#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror (based on repack from commy2, esteldunedain, Ruthberg) * Handles each frame durring the repack progressBar. * On each event (repacked bullet or move to new mag) it plays a sound and syncs up the new magazines to the player. * * Arguments: * 0: Arguments [classname,lastAmmoStatus,events] <ARRAY> * 1: Elapsed Time <NUMBER> * 2: Total Time Repacking Will Take <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * Keep going (on missing mags return false) <BOOL> * * Example: * (args from progressBar) call ace_magazinerepack_fnc_magazineRepackProgress * * Public: No */ params ["_args", "_elapsedTime", "_totalTime"]; _args params ["_magazineClassname", "_lastAmmoCount", "_simEvents"]; if !((_simEvents select 0) params ["_nextEventTime", "_nextEventIsBullet", "_nextEventMags"]) exitWith { ERROR("No Event"); false }; if (_nextEventTime > _elapsedTime) exitWith { true };//waiting on next event //Verify we aren't missing any ammo private _currentAmmoCount = []; { _x params ["_xClassname", "_xCount"]; if (_xClassname == _magazineClassname) then { _currentAmmoCount pushBack _xCount; }; } forEach (magazinesAmmo ACE_player); //only inventory mags //Go through mags we currently have and check off the ones we should have private _addedMagazines = +_currentAmmoCount; private _missingAmmo = false; { if (_x > 0) then { private _index = _addedMagazines find _x; if (_index != -1) then { _addedMagazines deleteAt _index; } else { _missingAmmo = true; }; }; } forEach _lastAmmoCount; if (_missingAmmo) exitWith { false }; //something removed ammo that was being repacked (could be other players or scripts) private _updateMagazinesOnPlayerFnc = { ACE_player removeMagazines _magazineClassname; //remove inventory magazines { if (_x > 0) then { ACE_player addMagazine [_magazineClassname, _x]; }; } forEach (_addedMagazines + _nextEventMags); _args set [1, _nextEventMags]; //store the new magazine }; if (_nextEventIsBullet) then { playSound QGVAR(soundRoundFinished); if ((((count _simEvents) % 3) == 0) || {(count _simEvents) == 1}) then { //For performance - only update mags every 3 bullets (or if it's the last event) call _updateMagazinesOnPlayerFnc; }; } else { playSound QGVAR(soundMagazineFinished); call _updateMagazinesOnPlayerFnc; }; _simEvents deleteAt 0; //pop off the event true