--- layout: wiki title: Refuel description: Adds the option to refuel vehicles. group: feature category: interaction parent: wiki mod: ace version: major: 3 minor: 4 patch: 0 --- ## 1. Overview This adds the option to refuel vehicles. The basic concept of refuel a vehicle is similar to reality. You need to interact with the fuel source (i.e. fuel truck, gas pump, ...), the fuel nozzle and the vehicle you want to refuel. ## 2. Usage ### 2.1 Start refueling vehicles - Interact with the fuel truck ⊞ Win (ACE3 default key bind `Interact Key`). - Select `Take fuel nozzle`. Your character will holster his weapon and receive a fuel nozzle. - Walk to the vehicle you want to refuel and interact with it. - Select `Connect fuel nozzle`. - Place the nozzle on the vehicle and interact with it. - Select `Start fueling`. The vehicle is now being refuel. Refueling takes some time which depends on its fuel tank size, the vehicle type and the module settings. ### 2.2 Returning the nozzle - Interact with the nozzle ⊞ Win (ACE3 default key bind `Interact Key`). - Select `Stop fueling` if refueling is still under way. - Select `Take fuel nozzle` which is only possible after stopping. Your character will holster his weapon and pick up the fuel nozzle. - Walk to the fuel truck and interact with it. - Select `Return fuel nozzle`. ### 2.3 Checking the remaining fuel - Interact with the fuel truck ⊞ Win (ACE3 default key bind `Interact Key`). - Select `Check remaining fuel`. - A hint will display the remaining fuel in liters. ### 2.4 Checking the fuel counter - Interact with the fuel truck ⊞ Win (ACE3 default key bind `Interact Key`). - Select `Check fuel counter`. - A hint will display the fueled amount in liters. ## 3. FAQ ### Can I drop the nozzle? Yes, using the action menu. ### Can I pick up a nozzle? Yes, using the interact menu ⊞ Win (ACE3 default key bind `Interact Key`). ### The nozzle was dropped. What's wrong? You can only use the nozzle within a close distance from its source. You may need to park closer. ### The engine of the fuel truck is broken. Why? While refueling, you can't move the fuel truck. Return the nozzle. ### How do I replenish the fuel supply on a fuel truck? Please check the framework description for more details. ### Something broke, I can't use the fuel truck / nozzle any longer. What to do? You can reset the fuel truck and its nozzle by calling `ace_refuel_fnc_reset` with its first parameter being the fuel truck object. ## 4. Dependencies {% include dependencies_list.md component="refuel" %}