/* * Author: Glowbal * Updates the vitals. Called from the statemachine's onState functions. * * Arguments: * 0: The Unit * * ReturnValue: * * * Example: * [player] call ace_medical_fnc_handleUnitVitals * * Public: No */ // #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit"]; private _lastTimeUpdated = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(lastTimeUpdated), 0]; private _deltaT = (CBA_missionTime - _lastTimeUpdated) min 10; if (_deltaT < 1) exitWith {}; // state machines could be calling this very rapidly depending on number of local units BEGIN_COUNTER(Vitals); _unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastTimeUpdated), CBA_missionTime]; private _lastTimeValuesSynced = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(lastMomentValuesSynced), 0]; private _syncValues = (CBA_missionTime - _lastTimeValuesSynced) >= (10 + floor(random(10))); if (_syncValues) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastMomentValuesSynced), CBA_missionTime]; }; private _bloodVolume = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME]) + ([_unit, _deltaT, _syncValues] call FUNC(getBloodVolumeChange)); _bloodVolume = 0 max _bloodVolume min DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME; // @todo: replace this and the rest of the setVariable with EFUNC(common,setApproximateVariablePublic) _unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _bloodVolume, _syncValues]; // Set variables for synchronizing information across the net if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_1_HEMORRHAGE) then { if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_3_HEMORRHAGE) then { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 2) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 2, true]; }; } else { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 1) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 1, true]; }; }; } else { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 0) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0, true]; }; }; private _bloodLoss = _unit call FUNC(getBloodLoss); if (_bloodLoss > 0) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodloss), _bloodLoss, _syncValues]; [QGVAR(Injury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; if !(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isBleeding), false]) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(isBleeding), true, true]; }; } else { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isBleeding), false]) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(isBleeding), false, true]; }; }; private _painLevel = [_unit] call FUNC(getPainLevel); if (_painLevel > 0) then { if !(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasPain), true, true]; }; } else { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasPain), false, true]; }; }; // Handle pain due tourniquets, that have been applied more than 120 s ago private _tourniquetPain = 0; private _tourniquets = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(tourniquets), [0,0,0,0,0,0]]; { if (_x > 0 && {CBA_missionTime - _x > 120}) then { _tourniquetPain = _tourniquetPain max (CBA_missionTime - _x - 120) * 0.001; }; } forEach _tourniquets; [_unit, _tourniquetPain] call FUNC(adjustPainLevel); private _heartRate = [_unit, _deltaT, _syncValues] call FUNC(updateHeartRate); [_unit, _deltaT, _syncValues] call FUNC(updatePainSuppress); [_unit, _deltaT, _syncValues] call FUNC(updatePeripheralResistance); private _bloodPressure = [_unit] call FUNC(getBloodPressure); _unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), _bloodPressure, _syncValues]; private _cardiacOutput = [_unit] call FUNC(getCardiacOutput); if (_bloodLoss > BLOOD_LOSS_KNOCK_OUT_THRESHOLD * _cardiacOutput) then { [QGVAR(CriticalVitals), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL if (!isPlayer _unit) then { hintSilent format["blood volume: %1, blood loss: [%2, %3]\nhr: %4, bp: %5, pain: %6", round(_bloodVolume * 100) / 100, round(_bloodLoss * 1000) / 1000, round((_bloodLoss / (0.001 max _cardiacOutput)) * 100) / 100, round(_heartRate), _bloodPressure, round(_painLevel * 100) / 100]; }; #endif _bloodPressure params ["_bloodPressureL", "_bloodPressureH"]; if (_bloodPressureL < 40 || {_heartRate < 30}) then { [QGVAR(CriticalVitals), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; if ((_heartRate < 20) || {_heartRate > 220} || {_bloodPressureH < 50}) then { [QGVAR(FatalVitals), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; END_COUNTER(Vitals);