#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger * This function handles creating both random and targeted fragments as well * as handling some of the performance optimizations. * * Arguments: * 0: projectile that's fragmenting * 1: ASL position of projectile * 2: velocity of projectile * 3: projectile cfgAmmo classname * 4: getShotParents of projectile at EH * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [_projectile, getPosASL _projectile, velocity _projectile, typeOf _projectile, getShotParents _projectile] call ace_frag_fnc_doFrag; * * Public: No */ TRACE_1("begin doFrag",_this); params [ "", ["_posASL", [0, 0, 0], [[]], [3]], ["_velocity", [0, 0, 0] , [[]], [3]], ["_ammo", "", [""]], ["_shotParents", [objNull, objNull], [[]]] ]; // Check for vehicle hold-off timeout private _shotParentVic = _shotParents#0; if (_shotParentVic getVariable [QGVAR(nextFragTime), -1] > CBA_missionTime) exitWith { TRACE_1("vehicleTimeExit",_shotParentVic); }; _shotParentVic setVariable [QGVAR(nextFragTime), CBA_missionTime + ACE_FRAG_HOLDOFF_VEHICLE]; // Check normal round timeout and adjust _max frags private _timeSinceLastFrag = CBA_missionTime - GVAR(lastFragTime); if (_ammo isEqualTo "" || {_posASL isEqualTo [0, 0, 0] || _timeSinceLastFrag < ACE_FRAG_HOLDOFF}) exitWith { TRACE_3("timeExit",_timeSinceLastFrag,CBA_missionTime,GVAR(lastFragTime)); }; private _maxFragCount = round linearConversion [0.1, 1.5, _timeSinceLastFrag, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MIN, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MAX, true]; TRACE_3("willFrag",_timeSinceLastFrag,CBA_missionTime,_maxFragCount); private _ammoArr = [_ammo] call FUNC(getFragInfo); _ammoArr params ["_fragRange", "_fragVel", "_fragTypes", "_modFragCount"]; // For low frag rounds limit the # of frags created if (_modFragCount < 10) then { _maxFragCount = _modFragCount * ACE_FRAG_LOW_FRAG_COEFF; GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime - ACE_FRAG_LOW_FRAG_HOLDOFF_REDUCTION; } else { GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime; }; // Offset for ground clearance private _heightATL = (ASLToATL _posASL)#2; if (_heightATL < ACE_FRAG_MIN_GROUND_OFFSET) then { _posASL = _posASL vectorAdd [0, 0, ACE_FRAG_MIN_GROUND_OFFSET]; }; TRACE_3("fnc_doFragTargeted IF", _fragRange, _timeSinceLastFrag, GVAR(fragSimComplexity)); if (GVAR(fragSimComplexity) != 1 && _fragRange > 3) then { _maxFragCount = _maxFragCount - ([_posASL, _fragVel, _fragRange, _maxFragCount, _fragTypes, _modFragCount, _shotParents] call FUNC(doFragTargeted)); }; if (GVAR(fragSimComplexity) > 0) then { [_posASL, _velocity, _heightATL, _fragTypes, _maxFragCount, _shotParents] call FUNC(doFragRandom); };