#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Bohemia Interactive edit by KoffeinFlummi * Sets the value of an ACE_Parameter and makes it public. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit/Vehicle <OBJECT> * 1: Pitch <NUMBER> * 2: Yaw <NUMBER> * 3: Bank <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [bob, 1, 2, 3] call ace_common_fnc_setPitchBankYaw * * Public: Yes */ params ["_object", "_aroundX", "_aroundY", "_aroundZ"]; _aroundZ = - _aroundZ; private _dirX = 0; private _dirY = 1; private _dirZ = 0; private _upX = 0; private _upY = 0; private _upZ = 1; if (_aroundX != 0) then { _dirY = cos _aroundX; _dirZ = sin _aroundX; _upY = -sin _aroundX; _upZ = cos _aroundX; }; if (_aroundY != 0) then { _dirX = _dirZ * sin _aroundY; _dirZ = _dirZ * cos _aroundY; _upX = _upZ * sin _aroundY; _upZ = _upZ * cos _aroundY; }; if (_aroundZ != 0) then { private _dirXTemp = _dirX; _dirX = (_dirXTemp* cos _aroundZ) - (_dirY * sin _aroundZ); _dirY = (_dirY * cos _aroundZ) + (_dirXTemp * sin _aroundZ); private _upXTemp = _upX; _upX = (_upXTemp * cos _aroundZ) - (_upY * sin _aroundZ); _upY = (_upY * cos _aroundZ) + (_upXTemp * sin _aroundZ); }; private _dir = [_dirX, _dirY, _dirZ]; private _up = [_upX, _upY, _upZ]; _object setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_up];