name: ACE3 description: ACE3 is a joint effort by the teams behind ACE 2, AGM and CSE to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. keywords: Advanced Combat Enhancement 3, ACE, ACE3, Arma, Arma 3, Mod, Modification, Realism, AGM, CSE, Bohemia, Interactive productionUrl: ace: githubUrl: version: major: 3 minor: 13 patch: 6 build: 60 acex: githubUrl: version: major: 3 minor: 5 patch: 4 build: 23 markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM timezone: UTC excerpt_separator: <!--more--> highlighter: rouge safe: true lsi: false exclude: [src, .editorconfig, .gitignore, CNAME, Gemfile, Gemfile.lock,] plugins: - jekyll-redirect-from whitelist: - jekyll-redirect-from