/* * Author: commy2 * Add an addAction event to a unit. Used to handle multiple addAction events and add a action to the mouse wheel menu. Global arguments, local effects. Does only work for player controlled units. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit the action should be assigned to <OBJECT> * 1: Menu title of the action <STRING> * 2: Name of the action, e.g. "DefaultAction" <STRING> * 3: Condition <CODE, STRING> * 4: Code to execute by the action <CODE, STRING> * 5: Condition for the menu action <CODE, STRING> * 6: Code to execute from the menu <CODE, STRING> * 7: Priority of the action (default: 0) <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * ID of the action (used to remove it later) <NUMBER> * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", "_displayName", "_action", "_condition", "_statement", "_condition2", "_statement2", ["_priority", 0]]; if (_condition isEqualType "") then { _condition = compile _condition; }; if (_statement isEqualType "") then { _statement = compile _statement; }; if (_condition2 isEqualType "") then { _condition2 = compile _condition2; }; if (_statement2 isEqualType "") then { _statement2 = compile _statement2; }; private _name = format ["ACE_ActionMenu_%1", _action]; private _actionsVar = _unit getVariable [_name, [-1, [], []]]; _actionsVar params ["_id", "_actionIDs", "_actions"]; _id = _id + 1; private _nameVar = format ["%1_ID%2", _name, _id]; missionNamespace setVariable [_nameVar, [_condition, _statement, _condition2, _statement2]]; _actionIDs pushBack _id; private _addAction = call compile format [ "[ '%2', {[{if (inputAction '%1' == 0) then {if (_this call (%3 select 2)) then {_this call (%3 select 3)}} else {_this call (%3 select 1)}}, _this] call CBA_fnc_directCall}, nil, %4, false, true, '%1', ""if (_this != ACE_player || {vehicle _this != _target}) exitWith {false}; [_target, _this] call (%3 select 0)"" ]", _action, _displayName, _nameVar, _priority ]; private _actionID = _unit addAction _addAction; _actions pushBack [_actionID, _nameVar]; _unit setVariable [_name, [_id, _actionIDs, _actions], false]; _id