#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: esteldunedain * Update temperature of a weapon. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Weapon <STRING> * 2: Heat increment (J) <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * New temperature <NUMBER> * * Example: * [player, currentWeapon player, 2000] call ace_overheating_fnc_updateTemperature * * Public: No */ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_heatIncrement"]; TRACE_3("params",_unit,_weapon,_heatIncrement); // get old values // each weapon has it's own variable. Can't store the temperature in the weapon since they are not objects unfortunately. private _tempVarName = format [QGVAR(%1_temp), _weapon]; private _timeVarName = format [QGVAR(%1_time), _weapon]; private _temperature = _unit getVariable [_tempVarName, 0]; private _lastTime = _unit getVariable [_timeVarName, 0]; // keep track of weapons that have heat, so they can be set to ambient temperaure on killed/respawn private _trackedWeapons = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(trackedWeapons), []]; _trackedWeapons pushBackUnique _tempVarName; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(trackedWeapons), _trackedWeapons]; // Calculate cooling private _barrelMass = ([_weapon] call FUNC(getWeaponData)) select 7; _temperature = [_temperature, _barrelMass, CBA_missionTime - _lastTime] call FUNC(calculateCooling); TRACE_1("cooledTo",_temperature); // Calculate heating // Steel Heat Capacity = 466 J/(Kg.K) _temperature = _temperature + _heatIncrement / (_barrelMass * 466); // Publish the temperature variable [_unit, _tempVarName, _temperature, TEMP_TOLERANCE] call EFUNC(common,setApproximateVariablePublic); // Store the update time locally _unit setVariable [_timeVarName, CBA_missionTime]; _temperature