/* * Author: Garth 'L-H' de Wet * Opens the UI for timer setting of an explosive * * Arguments: * 0: Explosive <OBJECT> * 1: Magazine <STRING> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [_explosive, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"] call ACE_Explosives_fnc_openTimerSetUI; * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" EXPLODE_2_PVT(_this,_explosive,_mag); createDialog "RscACE_SelectTimeUI"; sliderSetRange [8845, 5, 900]; // 5seconds - 15minutes sliderSetPosition [8845, 30]; GVAR(explosive) = _explosive; DFUNC(SetTimer) = { [ ACE_player, getPosATL GVAR(explosive), GVAR(explosive) getVariable QGVAR(Direction), GVAR(explosive) getVariable QGVAR(class), "Timer", [floor sliderPosition 8845], GVAR(explosive) ] call FUNC(placeExplosive); closeDialog 0; }; buttonSetAction [8860, QUOTE(call DFUNC(SetTimer);)]; buttonSetAction [8855, QUOTE(closeDialog 0;)]; ctrlSetText [8870, format[localize LSTRING(TimerMenu),0, 30]];