class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers; class CfgVehicles { class ACE_Module; class GVAR(Module): ACE_Module { author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam); category = "ACE"; displayName = CSTRING(Category); function = QFUNC(moduleInit); scope = 2; isGlobal = 1; icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_AdvancedThrowing_ca.paa); class Arguments { class enabled { displayName = CSTRING(Enable_DisplayName); description = CSTRING(Enable_Description); typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class showThrowArc { displayName = CSTRING(ShowThrowArc_DisplayName); description = CSTRING(ShowThrowArc_Description); typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class showMouseControls { displayName = CSTRING(ShowMouseControls_DisplayName); description = CSTRING(ShowMouseControls_Description); typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class enablePickUp { displayName = CSTRING(EnablePickUp_DisplayName); description = CSTRING(EnablePickUp_Description); typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class enablePickUpAttached { displayName = CSTRING(EnablePickUpAttached_DisplayName); description = CSTRING(EnablePickUpAttached_Description); typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = CSTRING(Module_Description); }; }; class Items_base_F; class GVAR(pickUpHelper): Items_base_F { author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam); displayName = "ACE Throwable Pick Up Helper"; model = "\a3\weapons_f\dummyweapon.p3d"; scope = 1; class ACE_Actions { class GVAR(pickUp) { displayName = CSTRING(PickUp); condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player,true)] call FUNC(canPrepare)); statement = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(pickUp)); exceptions[] = {"isNotSwimming"}; distance = 1.8; // Requires >1.7 to work when standing with weapon on back icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\obsolete\ui_action_takemine_ca.paa"; }; }; class EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers: CBA_Extended_EventHandlers {}; }; }; };