/* * Author: Glowbal * Called from the onLoad of ACE_settingsMenu dialog. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [onLoadEvent] call ACE_optionsmenu_fnc_onSettingsMenuOpen * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" if (GVAR(serverConfigGeneration) == 0 || isMultiplayer) exitWith {closeDialog 145246;}; // Filter only user setable setting GVAR(serverSideOptions) = []; GVAR(serverSideColors) = []; GVAR(serverSideValues) = []; { _x params ["_name", "_typeName", "_isClientSetable", "_localizedName", "_localizedDescription", "_possibleValues", "_defaultValue"]; // Exclude client side options if they are not included for the export if (!(_isClientSetable) || GVAR(ClientSettingsExportIncluded)) then { // Append the current value to the setting metadata private _setting = + _x; _setting pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable (_x select 0)); // Categorize the setting according to types // @todo: allow the user to modify other types of parameters? if ((_typeName == "SCALAR" && count _possibleValues > 0) || (_x select 1) == "BOOL") then { GVAR(serverSideOptions) pushBack _setting; }; if (_typeName == "COLOR") then { GVAR(serverSideColors) pushBack _setting; }; if ((_typeName == "SCALAR" && count _possibleValues == 0) || _typeName == "ARRAY" || _typeName == "STRING") then { GVAR(serverSideValues) pushBack _setting; }; }; } forEach EGVAR(common,settings); //Delay a frame [{ [MENU_TAB_SERVER_OPTIONS] call FUNC(onServerListBoxShowSelectionChanged) }, []] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame; disableSerialization; private _menu = uiNamespace getVariable "ACE_serverSettingsMenu"; (_menu displayCtrl 1003) ctrlEnable false; if (GVAR(ClientSettingsExportIncluded)) then { (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 1102) ctrlSetText localize (LSTRING(exClientSettings)); } else { (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 1102) ctrlSetText localize (LSTRING(inClientSettings)); }; lbClear (_menu displayCtrl 14); { if (_x == "") then { _x = localize (LSTRING(category_all)); }; (_menu displayCtrl 14) lbAdd _x; } forEach GVAR(categories); (_menu displayCtrl 14) lbSetCurSel GVAR(currentCategorySelection); //All Catagoies