#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Dani (TCVM) * Determines if you can pick-up the Dragon missile. If the missile was fired you will not be able to pick up the tripod. * * Arguments: * 0: Target <OBJECT> * 1: Unit Performing Action <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * Can Pickup Tripod <BOOL> * * Example: * [vehicle player, player] call ace_dragon_fnc_canPickupTripod; * * Public: No */ params ["_target", "_unit"]; (alive _target) && {!alive (gunner _target)} && {!(_target getVariable [QGVAR(fired), false])} && {!(_target getVariable [QGVAR(sightAttached), ((typeOf _target) == QGVAR(staticAssembled))])} && EFUNC(csw,assemble_canPickupTripod)