/* * Author: Ruthberg * Calculates the target speed and updates the output fields * * Arguments: * Nothing * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Example: * call ace_atragmx_calculate_target_speed_assist * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_targetRange", "_numTicks", "_timeSecs", "_estSpeed"]; _targetRange = parseNumber(ctrlText 8004); _numTicks = parseNumber(ctrlText 8005); _timeSecs = parseNumber(ctrlText 8006); _estSpeed = 0; if (GVAR(currentUnit) == 1) then { _targetRange = _targetRange / 1.0936133; }; switch (GVAR(rangeAssistImageSizeUnit)) do { case 0: { _numTicks = _numTicks / 6400 * 360; }; case 1: { _numTicks = _numTicks / 60; }; case 2: { _numTicks = _numTicks / 60 / 1.047; }; }; if (_timeSecs > 0) then { _estSpeed = tan(_numTicks) * _targetRange / _timeSecs; }; if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { _estSpeed = _estSpeed * 2.23693629; }; ctrlSetText [8007, Str(Round(_estSpeed * 10) / 10)];