// by commy2 and esteldunedain #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", "_range", "_isGreen", "_brightness"]; private ["_p0", "_v1", "_v2", "_v3", "_p1", "_pL", "_distance", "_pL2", "_camPos", "_size"]; _p0 = AGLToASL (_unit modelToWorldVisual (_unit selectionPosition "righthand")); // Find a system of orthogonal reference vectors // _v1 points in the direction of the weapon // _v2 points to the right of the weapon // _v3 points to the top side of the weapon _v1 = _unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit; _v2 = vectorNormalized (_v1 vectorCrossProduct [0,0,1]); _v3 = _v2 vectorCrossProduct _v1; // Offset over the 3 reference axis // This offset could eventually be configured by weapon in the config #define OFFV1 0.31 #define OFFV2 0 #define OFFV3 0.08 // Offset _p0, the start of the laser _p0 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply OFFV1) vectorAdd (_v3 vectorMultiply OFFV3) vectorAdd (_v2 vectorMultiply OFFV2); // Calculate _p1, the potential end of the laser _p1 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply _range); _pL = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_p0, _p1, ACE_player, vehicle ACE_player, true, 1, "GEOM", "FIRE"] select 0 select 0; // no intersection found, quit if (isNil "_pL") exitWith {}; _distance = _p0 vectorDistance _pL; //systemChat str _distance; if (_distance < 0.5) exitWith {}; _pL = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply _distance); _pL2 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply (_distance - 0.5)); _pL = ASLtoAGL _pL; /* drawLine3D [ _p0, _pL, [[1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1]] select _isGreen ]; */ //systemChat str [_unit, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]; _camPos = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0.2]; if (count ([_unit, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {}; if (count ([ACE_player, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {}; // Convert _camPos to ASL _camPos = AGLToASL _camPos; if ( terrainIntersectASL [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {}; if ( lineIntersects [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {}; _size = 2 * (_range - (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] vectorDistance _pL)) / _range; drawIcon3D [ format ["\a3\weapons_f\acc\data\collimdot_%1_ca.paa", ["red", "green"] select _isGreen], [[1,0.25,0.25,0.5*_brightness], [0.25,1,0.25,0.5*_brightness]] select _isGreen, _pL, _size, _size, 45, "", 0, 0.05 ];