#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Tuupertunut * Rearm an entire turret locally. * * Arguments: * 0: Ammo Truck <OBJECT> * 1: Vehicle <OBJECT> * 2: TurretPath <ARRAY> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [ammo_truck, tank, [0]] call ace_rearm_fnc_rearmEntireVehicleSuccessLocal * * Public: No */ params ["_truck", "_vehicle", "_turretPath"]; TRACE_3("rearmEntireVehicleSuccessLocal",_truck,_vehicle,_turretPath); // Fetching all rearmable magazines in this turret private _magazines = ([_vehicle] call FUNC(getNeedRearmMagazines)) select {(_x select 1) isEqualTo _turretPath}; if (["ace_csw"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then { ([_vehicle, _turretPath] call EFUNC(csw,aceRearmGetCarryMagazines)) params ["_turretMagsCSW", "_allCarryMags"]; TRACE_1("skipping",_turretMagsCSW); _magazines = _magazines select { _x params ["_magazineClass"]; (_turretMagsCSW findIf {_x == _magazineClass}) == -1 }; }; { _x params ["_magazineClass", "_magTurretPath", "_isPylonMag", "_pylonIndex", "_maxMagazines", "_currentMagazines", "_maxRoundsPerMag", "_currentRounds"]; // Array of planned ammo counts in every magazine after the rearm is complete private _plannedRounds = +_currentRounds; // Trying to fill all existing magazines. { if (_x < _maxRoundsPerMag) then { if ( GVAR(supply) == 0 || {isNull _truck} // zeus rearm || {[_truck, _magazineClass, (_maxRoundsPerMag - _x)] call FUNC(removeMagazineFromSupply)} ) then { _plannedRounds set [_forEachIndex, _maxRoundsPerMag]; }; }; } forEach _currentRounds; // Trying to add new full magazines, if there is space left. if (_currentMagazines < _maxMagazines) then { for "_idx" from 1 to (_maxMagazines - _currentMagazines) do { if ( GVAR(supply) == 0 || {isNull _truck} // zeus rearm || {[_truck, _magazineClass, _maxRoundsPerMag] call FUNC(removeMagazineFromSupply)} ) then { _plannedRounds pushBack _maxRoundsPerMag; }; }; }; TRACE_2("rearming",_x,_plannedRounds); // Updating new ammo counts to vehicle. if (_isPylonMag) then { _vehicle setAmmoOnPylon [_pylonIndex, (_plannedRounds select 0)]; } else { [_vehicle, _magTurretPath, _magazineClass, _plannedRounds] call FUNC(setTurretMagazineAmmo); }; } forEach _magazines;