/* * Author: commy2 * * Called from init eventhandler. Checks if the vehicles class already has the actions initialized. Otherwise add all available repair options. * * Arguments: * 0: vehicle (Object) * * Return Value: * NONE */ #include "script_component.hpp" private "_vehicle"; _vehicle = _this select 0; private ["_type", "_initializedClasses"]; _type = typeOf _vehicle; _initializedClasses = GETMVAR(GVAR(initializedClasses),[]); // do nothing if the class is already initialized if (_type in _initializedClasses) exitWith {}; // get all hitpoints private "_hitPoints"; _hitPoints = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPoints); // get hitpoints of wheels with their selections private ["_wheelHitPointsWithSelections", "_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitPointSelections"]; _wheelHitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getWheelHitPointsWithSelections); _wheelHitPoints = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 0; _wheelHitPointSelections = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 1; // add repair events to this vehicle class { if (_x in _wheelHitPoints) then { // add wheel repair action private ["_nameRemove", "_nameReplace", "_icon", "_selection"]; _nameRemove = format ["Remove %1", _x]; _nameReplace = format ["Replace %1", _x]; _icon = ""; _selection = _wheelHitPointSelections select (_wheelHitPoints find _x); private ["_statement_remove", "_condition_remove", "_statement_replace", "_condition_replace"]; _statement_remove = format [QFUNC(removeWheel_%1), _x]; _condition_remove = format [QFUNC(canRemoveWheel_%1), _x]; _statement_replace = format [QFUNC(replaceWheel_%1), _x]; _condition_replace = format [QFUNC(canReplaceWheel_%1), _x]; // compile functions for that hitpoint if no such functions currently exist if (isNil _statement_remove) then { // remove wheel private "_function"; _function = compile format [QUOTE([ARR_2(_target,'%1')] call DFUNC(removeWheel)), _x]; missionNamespace setVariable [_statement_remove, _function]; _function = compile format ["alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage '%1' < 1}", _x]; missionNamespace setVariable [_condition_remove, _function]; // replace wheel _function = compile format [QUOTE([ARR_2(_target,'%1')] call DFUNC(replaceWheel)), _x]; missionNamespace setVariable [_statement_replace, _function]; _function = compile format ["alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage '%1' >= 1}", _x]; missionNamespace setVariable [_condition_replace, _function]; }; _statement_remove = missionNamespace getVariable [_statement_remove, {}]; _condition_remove = missionNamespace getVariable [_condition_remove, {}]; _statement_replace = missionNamespace getVariable [_statement_replace, {}]; _condition_replace = missionNamespace getVariable [_condition_replace, {}]; [_vehicle, 0, [_nameRemove], _nameRemove, _icon, _selection, _statement_remove, _condition_remove, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addAction); // @todo class instead of object [_vehicle, 0, [_nameReplace], _nameReplace, _icon, _selection, _statement_replace, _condition_replace, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addAction); } else { // add misc repair action /*private ["_selection", "_statement", "_condition"]; _name = format ["Repair %1", _x]; _icon = ""; _statement = { hint "repaired"; }; _condition = {true}; [_vehicle, 0, ["RepairMe"], _name, _icon, "", _statement, _condition, 4] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addAction;*/ }; } forEach _hitPoints; // set class as initialized _initializedClasses pushBack _type; SETMVAR(GVAR(initializedClasses),_initializedClasses);