//#define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" // Bail if guidance is disabled // Bail on locality of the projectile, it should be local to us if(GVAR(enabled) < 1 || {!local _projectile} ) exitWith { false }; if( !isPlayer _shooter && { GVAR(enabled) < 2 } ) exitWith { false }; private["_config", "_enabled", "_target", "_seekerType", "_attackProfile"]; PARAMS_7(_shooter,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile); // Bail on not missile if(! (_ammo isKindOf "MissileBase") ) exitWith { false }; _config = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON); _enabled = getNumber ( _config >> "enabled"); // Bail if guidance is not enabled if(isNil "_enabled" || {_enabled != 1}) exitWith { false }; _target = (vehicle _shooter) getVariable [QGVAR(target), nil]; _targetPos = (vehicle _shooter) getVariable [QGVAR(targetPosition), nil]; _seekerType = (vehicle _shooter) getVariable [QGVAR(seekerType), nil]; _attackProfile = (vehicle _shooter) getVariable [QGVAR(attackProfile), nil]; _lockMode = (vehicle _shooter) getVariable [QGVAR(lockMode), nil]; _launchPos = getPosASL (vehicle _shooter); TRACE_3("Begin guidance", _target, _seekerType, _attackProfile); if ( isNil "_seekerType" || { ! ( _seekerType in (getArray (_config >> "seekerTypes" ) ) ) } ) then { _seekerType = getText (_config >> "defaultSeekerType"); }; if ( isNil "_attackProfile" || { ! ( _attackProfile in (getArray (_config >> "attackProfiles" ) ) ) } ) then { _attackProfile = getText (_config >> "defaultAttackProfile"); }; if ( isNil "_lockMode" || { ! ( _lockMode in (getArray (_config >> "seekerLockModes" ) ) ) } ) then { _lockMode = getText (_config >> "defaultSeekerLockMode"); }; // If we didn't get a target, try to fall back on tab locking if(isNil "_target") then { if(!isPlayer _shooter) then { // This was an AI shot, lets still guide it on the AI target _target = _shooter getVariable[QGVAR(vanilla_target), nil]; TRACE_1("Detected AI Shooter!", _target); } else { _canUseLock = getNumber (_config >> "canVanillaLock"); // @TODO: Get vanilla target if(_canUseLock > 0 || cadetMode) then { _vanillaTarget = cursorTarget; TRACE_1("Using Vanilla Locking", _vanillaTarget); if(!isNil "_vanillaTarget") then { _target = _vanillaTarget; }; }; }; }; TRACE_4("Beginning ACE guidance system",_target,_ammo,_seekerType,_attackProfile); [FUNC(guidancePFH), 0, [_this, [_shooter, [_target, _targetPos, _launchPos], _seekerType, _attackProfile, _lockMode ], [ getNumber ( _config >> "minDeflection" ), getNumber ( _config >> "maxDeflection" ), getNumber ( _config >> "incDeflection" ) ], [ getNumber ( _config >> "seekerAngle" ), getNumber ( _config >> "seekerAccuracy" ), getNumber ( _config >> "seekerMaxRange" ) ], [ diag_tickTime, [], [] ] ] ] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; /* Clears locking settings (vehicle _shooter) setVariable [QGVAR(target), nil]; (vehicle _shooter) setVariable [QGVAR(seekerType), nil]; (vehicle _shooter) setVariable [QGVAR(attackProfile), nil]; (vehicle _shooter) setVariable [QGVAR(lockMode), nil]; */