#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Dystopian * Initializes object interactions based on animations. * * Arguments: * 0: Target * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * cursorObject call ace_interaction_fnc_initAnimActions * * Public: No */ params ["_object"]; private _class = typeOf _object; if (_class in GVAR(initializedAnimClasses)) exitWith {}; GVAR(initializedAnimClasses) pushBack _class; private _statement = { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; _params params ["_anim", "_phase", "_duration", "_text"]; TRACE_5("statement",_target,_player,_anim,_phase,_duration); [ _duration, [_target, _player, _anim, _phase], { (_this select 0) params ["_target", "_player", "_anim", "_phase"]; private _items = _target getVariable [ format [QGVAR(animsItems_%1), _anim], getArray (configOf _target >> QGVAR(anims) >> _anim >> "items") ]; // If 1 object was spawned in, consider it a success private _success = false; if (_items isNotEqualTo []) then { if (_items isEqualType "") then { _items = [_items]; }; private _weaponHolder = objNull; { private _type = (_x call EFUNC(common,getItemType)) select 0; if (_type == "") then { private _emptyPosAGL = []; // This covers testing vehicle stability and finding a safe position for "_i" from 1 to 3 do { _emptyPosAGL = [_target, _x, _player] call EFUNC(common,findUnloadPosition); if (_emptyPosAGL isNotEqualTo []) exitWith {}; }; // If still no valid position, try the next item if (_emptyPosAGL isEqualTo []) then { [LELSTRING(common,NoRoomToUnload)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); continue; }; private _object = createVehicle [_x, _emptyPosAGL, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (!isNull _object) then { // Prevent items from taking damage when unloaded [_object, "blockDamage", QUOTE(ADDON), true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set); [EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set), [_object, "blockDamage", QUOTE(ADDON), false], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; _success = true; } else { WARNING_1("Failed to create object of type '%1'",_x); }; continue; }; // Functions/code below are guaranteed to spawn in objects _success = true; // getItemType considers backpacks as weapons, so handle them first if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "isBackpack") == 1) then { if (backpack _player == "") then { _player addBackpackGlobal _x; } else { if (isNull _weaponHolder) then { _weaponHolder = nearestObject [_player, "WeaponHolder"]; if (isNull _weaponHolder || {_player distance _weaponHolder > 2}) then { _weaponHolder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _weaponHolder setPosASL getPosASL _player; }; }; _weaponHolder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1]; }; continue; }; switch (_type) do { case "weapon": { [_player, _x, true] call CBA_fnc_addWeapon; }; case "item": { [_player, _x, true] call CBA_fnc_addItem; }; case "magazine": { [_player, _x, -1, true] call CBA_fnc_addMagazine; }; }; } forEach _items; }; if (!_success) exitWith {}; _target animate [_anim, _phase, true]; }, {}, _text, { (_this select 0) params ["_target", "", "_anim", "_phase"]; _target animationPhase _anim != _phase }, ["isNotSwimming"] ] call EFUNC(common,progressBar); }; private _condition = { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; _params params ["_anim", "_phase"]; _target animationPhase _anim != _phase && {[_player, _target, ["isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)} }; private _config = configOf _object; { private _animConfig = _x; private _anim = configName _animConfig; private _animationSourcesConfig = _config >> "AnimationSources" >> _anim; if !( isClass _animationSourcesConfig // anim exist && {0 != [_animationSourcesConfig >> "scope", "NUMBER", 1] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry} // anim not hidden && {isNumber (_animationSourcesConfig >> "initPhase")} // anim correct (some CUP anims are inherited and cleared) && {0 != [_animConfig >> "enabled", "NUMBER", 1] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry} // anim enabled ) then {continue}; private _positions = []; { if (_x isEqualType "") then { _positions pushBack compile _x; } else { _positions pushBack _x; }; } forEach getArray (_animConfig >> "positions"); _positions append getArray (_animConfig >> "selections"); if (_positions isEqualTo []) then { ERROR_2("No action position for _class %1 anim %2",_class,_anim); continue; }; private _phase = [_animConfig >> "phase", "NUMBER", 1] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _name = [_animConfig >> "name", "TEXT", localize "str_a3_cfgactions_unmountitem0"] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _icon = [_animConfig >> "icon", "TEXT", "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\take_ca.paa"] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _duration = [_animConfig >> "duration", "NUMBER", 10] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _text = getText (_animConfig >> "text"); { private _action = [ format [QGVAR(anim_%1_%2), _anim, _forEachIndex], _name, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_anim, _phase, _duration, _text], _x ] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction); [_class, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass); TRACE_3("add anim",_class,_anim,_x); } forEach _positions; } forEach configProperties [_config >> QGVAR(anims), "isClass _x"];