/* Name: AGM_Goggles_fnc_isGogglesVisible Author: Garth de Wet (LH) Description: Determines if goggles are visible on passed unit (Also checks if unit is in vehicle and cameraView is set to GUNNER) Parameters: 0: Object - unit to check for visible goggles Returns: BOOL - Whether the goggles are visible or not. Example: _visible = player call AGM_Goggles_fnc_isGogglesVisible; */ private ["_currentGlasses", "_result", "_unit"]; _unit = _this; _currentGlasses = goggles _unit; _result = false; if ((vehicle _unit) != _unit) exitWith {(cameraView != "GUNNER")}; if (_currentGlasses != "") then { _position =(getPosASLW _unit); if (surfaceIsWater _position && {((_position select 2) < 0.25)}) exitWith { _result = (_currentGlasses call AGM_Goggles_fnc_isDivingGoggles); }; if (getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _currentGlasses >> "AGM_Resistance") == 0) exitWith { _result = false; }; _result = !(_currentGlasses call AGM_Goggles_fnc_isDivingGoggles); }; _result