/** * fn_performCPR.sqf * @Descr: Start the CPR action from CMS. Caller unit will attempt to restart the targets heart using CPR. * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [unit OBJECT (The unit that cPR will be performed upon), caller OBJECT (The unit that does the CPR action)] * @Return: void * @PublicAPI: true */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define CPR_TIME 25 // time in seconds private ["_caller","_target", "_selectionName", "_prevAnim"]; _caller = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _selectionName = _this select 2; _removeItem = _this select 3; _prevAnim = _this select 4; // only allow CPR once if (_caller getvariable[QGVAR(isProvidingCPR), false]) exitwith {true}; _caller setvariable[QGVAR(isProvidingCPR), true, true]; [_this] call EFUNC(common,debug); [_caller] call FUNC(treatmentMutex); if (_target == _caller) exitwith{[_caller,"You cannot give yourself CPR"] call EFUNC(common,sendHintTo); true}; [_caller,"You start providing CPR"] call EFUNC(common,sendHintTo); if (vehicle _target == _target) then { [_unit,"AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback", 1] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; _caller setvariable [QGVAR(StartingPositionHandleTreatment), getPos _caller]; [CPR_TIME, {((vehicle (_this select 0) != (_this select 0)) ||((getPos (_this select 0)) distance ((_this select 0) getvariable QGVAR(StartingPositionHandleTreatment)) < 1)) && (_caller getvariable[QGVAR(isProvidingCPR), false])}, // the condition { private ["_caller","_target", "_selectionName", "_prevAnim"]; _caller = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _selectionName = _this select 2; _removeItem = _this select 3; [[_caller, _target], QUOTE(FUNC(handleTreatment_Action_CPRLocal)), _target] call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc); if (_prevAnim != "") then { [_caller,_prevAnim, 0] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; _caller setvariable[QGVAR(isProvidingCPR), nil, true]; ["Medical_handleTreatment_CPR", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, true]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; ["Medical_treatmentCompleted", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; }, // on success { private ["_caller","_target", "_selectionName", "_prevAnim"]; [(_this select 0), "STR_ACE_CANCELED", ["STR_ACE_ACTION_CANCELED","STR_ACE_YOU_MOVED_AWAY"]] call EFUNC(common,sendDisplayInformationTo); if (_prevAnim != "") then { [_caller,_prevAnim, 0] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; _caller setvariable[QGVAR(isProvidingCPR), nil, true]; ["Medical_handleTreatment_CPR", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, false]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; ["Medical_treatmentCompleted", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; }, // on failure [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, _prevAnim] // arguments ] call EFUNC(common,loadingBar); true;