/* * Author: SilentSpike * Adds units to spectator whitelist/blacklist and refreshes the filter units * * Arguments: * 0: Units to add to the whitelist <ARRAY> * 1: Use blacklist <BOOL> <OPTIONAL> * * Return Value: * None <NIL> * * Example: * [allUnits,true] call ace_spectator_fnc_updateUnits * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" params [["_newUnits",[],[[]]],["_blacklist",false,[false]]]; // Function only matters on player clients if !(hasInterface) exitWith {}; // If adding to a list we can exit here, since it won't show up until the UI refreshes anyway if !(_newUnits isEqualTo []) exitWith { if (_blacklist) then { GVAR(unitWhitelist) = GVAR(unitWhitelist) - _newUnits; GVAR(unitBlacklist) append _newUnits; } else { GVAR(unitBlacklist) = GVAR(unitBlacklist) - _newUnits; GVAR(unitWhitelist) append _newUnits; }; }; private ["_sides","_cond","_filteredUnits","_filteredGroups"]; // Unit setting filter _newUnits = [[],allPlayers,playableUnits,allUnits] select GVAR(filterUnits); // Side setting filter _sides = []; _cond = [{_this == (side group player)},{(_this getFriend (side group player)) >= 0.6},{(_this getFriend (side group player)) < 0.6},{true}] select GVAR(filterSides); { if (_x call _cond) then { _sides pushBack _x; }; } forEach GVAR(availableSides); // Filter units and append to list _filteredUnits = []; { if ( (alive _x) && {(_x isKindOf "CAManBase")} && {(side group _x) in _sides} && // Side filter {simulationEnabled _x} && {!(_x getVariable [QGVAR(isStaged), false])} // Who watches the watchmen? ) then { _filteredUnits pushBack _x; }; } forEach (_newUnits - GVAR(unitBlacklist)); _filteredUnits append GVAR(unitWhitelist); // Cache icons and colour for drawing _filteredGroups = []; { // Intentionally re-applied to units in case their status changes [_x] call FUNC(cacheUnitInfo); _filteredGroups pushBack (group _x); } forEach _filteredUnits; // Replace previous lists entirely (removes any no longer valid) GVAR(unitList) = _filteredUnits arrayIntersect _filteredUnits; GVAR(groupList) = _filteredGroups arrayIntersect _filteredGroups;