#define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_5(_unit,_selectionName,_damage,_source,_projectile); private["_currentDmgCount", "_hitpointCount", "_dmgId", "_dmgVarName", "_dmgArray"]; // Disable handledamage for now if(true) exitWith { 0 }; _hitpointCount = _unit getVariable[QGVAR(hitpointCount), -1]; _currentDmgCount = _unit getVariable[QGVAR(currentDmgCount), -1]; _dmgId = _unit getVariable[QGVAR(dmgId), 0]; _dmgVarName = format["%1_dmg_%2",ADDON, _dmgId]; _dmgEntry = _unit getVariable[_dmgVarName, [-1,[]]]; if((_dmgEntry select 0) < 0) then { // Start registering a new hit set to track _dmgId = (_unit getVariable[QGVAR(dmgId), 0])+1; _dmgArray = []; _unit setVariable[QGVAR(dmgId), _dmgId, false]; } else { _dmgArray = _dmgEntry select 1; }; _dmgArray pushBack _this; _dmgEntry set[0, _dmgId]; _dmgEntry set[1, _dmgArray]; _unit setVariable[_dmgVarName, _dmgEntry, false]; if( (count _dmgArray) >= _hitpointCount) then { //_unit setVariable[_dmgVarName, nil, false]; // clear the temporary variable }; 0