 * Author: esteldunedain
 * Executes a code once with a given game time delay, using a PFH
 * Argument:
 * 0: Code to execute (Code)
 * 1: Parameters to run the code with (Array)
 * 2: Delay in seconds before executing the code (Number)
 * 3: Interval of time in which the execution is evaluated, 0 means every frame (Number)
 * Return value:
 * PFH handler ID
#include "script_component.hpp"



        // Exit if the time was not reached yet
        if (time < _startTime + _delay) exitWith {};

        // Remove the PFH
        [_pfhId] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

        // Execute the function
        _funcParams call _func;
    [_this, time]
] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler