#include "..\script_component.hpp"
 * Author: Ruthberg
 * Displays a wind info (colored arrow) in the top left corner of the screen
 * Arguments:
 * None
 * Return Value:
 * None
 * Example:
 * [] call ace_weather_fnc_displayWindInfo
 * Public: No

#define __dsp (uiNamespace getVariable "RscWindIntuitive")
#define __ctrl (__dsp displayCtrl 132948)

if (GVAR(WindInfo)) exitWith {
    GVAR(WindInfo) = false;
    (["RscWindIntuitive"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"];

EGVAR(advanced_ballistics,Protractor) = false;
1 cutText ["", "PLAIN"];
GVAR(WindInfo) = true;

TRACE_1("Starting Wind Info PFEH",GVAR(WindInfo));

    params ["", "_pfID"];

    // Allow wind indicator inside static weapons
    private _playerInStaticWeapon = objectParent ACE_Player isKindOf "StaticWeapon";

    if (
        (!GVAR(WindInfo)) || 
        {!([ACE_player, ACE_player, ["notOnMap", "isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying", "isNotSitting"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) && !(_playerInStaticWeapon)}
    ) exitWith {
        TRACE_1("Ending Wind Info PFEH",GVAR(WindInfo));
        GVAR(WindInfo) = false;
        (["RscWindIntuitive"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"];
        [_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

    //Keeps the display open:
    (["RscWindIntuitive"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["RscWindIntuitive", "PLAIN", 1, false];

    private _playerEyePos = eyePos ACE_Player;
    if (_playerInStaticWeapon) then {
        // Raise eyePos by 1 meter if player is in a static weapon, to prevent wind from being blocked by the open vehicle
        _playerEyePos = _playerEyePos vectorAdd [0, 0, 1];

    private _windSpeed = if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then {
        // With wind gradient
        [_playerEyePos, true, true, true] call FUNC(calculateWindSpeed);
    } else {
        // Without wind gradient
        [_playerEyePos, false, true, true] call FUNC(calculateWindSpeed);

    private _playerDir = (ACE_player call CBA_fnc_headDir) select 0;
    private _windDir = (wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1);
    _windDir = 30 * (round(((_windDir - _playerDir + 360) % 360) / 30));

    // Color Codes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_scale#Modern_scale
    private _beaufortNumber = 0;
    private _windColor = [1, 1, 1, 1];
    if (_windSpeed > 0.3) then { _windColor = [0.796, 1, 1, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 1; };
    if (_windSpeed > 1.5) then { _windColor = [0.596, 0.996, 0.796, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 2; };
    if (_windSpeed > 3.3) then { _windColor = [0.596, 0.996, 0.596, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 3; };
    if (_windSpeed > 5.4) then { _windColor = [0.6, 0.996, 0.4, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 4; };
    if (_windSpeed > 7.9) then { _windColor = [0.6, 0.996, 0.047, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 5; };
    if (_windSpeed > 10.7) then { _windColor = [0.8, 0.996, 0.059, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 6; };
    if (_windSpeed > 13.8) then { _windColor = [1, 0.996, 0.067, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 7; };
    if (_windSpeed > 17.1) then { _windColor = [1, 0.796, 0.051, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 8; };
    if (_windSpeed > 20.7) then { _windColor = [1, 0.596, 0.039, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 9; };
    if (_windSpeed > 24.4) then { _windColor = [1, 0.404, 0.031, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 10; };
    if (_windSpeed > 28.4) then { _windColor = [1, 0.22, 0.027, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 11; };
    if (_windSpeed > 32.6) then { _windColor = [1, 0.078, 0.027, 1]; _beaufortNumber = 12; };

    TRACE_3("update display",_beaufortNumber,_windDir,_windSpeed);
    __ctrl ctrlSetTextColor _windColor;
    if (_beaufortNumber > 0) then {
        __ctrl ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(UI\wind_arrow_ca.paa);
        __ctrl ctrlSetAngle [_windDir, 0.5, 0.5];
    } else {
        __ctrl ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(UI\wind_noneCircle_ca.paa);
    __ctrl ctrlCommit 0;

    //Update the beaufort balls:
    (ctrlPosition __ctrl) params ["_ctrlX", "_ctrlY", "_ctrlWidth", "_ctrlHeight"];
    private _centerX = _ctrlX + _ctrlWidth / 2;
    private _centerY = _ctrlY + _ctrlHeight / 2;
    private _ballHeight = _ctrlHeight / 17;
    private _ballWidth = _ballHeight * 3/4;

    for "_index" from 0 to (_beaufortNumber - 1) do {
        private _ball = __dsp ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", _index];
        _ball ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(UI\wind_dot_ca.paa);
        _ball ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
        private _ballCenterX = _centerX - (_ballWidth / 2) + ((sin _windDir) * 0.013333) * (_index - 4.9) + ((cos _windDir) * 0.0125);
        private _ballCenterY = _centerY - (_ballHeight / 2) - ((1 * cos _windDir) * 4/3*0.013333) * (_index - 4.9) + ((sin _windDir) * 0.0125);
        _ball ctrlSetPosition [_ballCenterX, _ballCenterY, _ballWidth, _ballHeight];
        _ball ctrlCommit 0;

}, 0.5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
