#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger * This function creates fragments randomly spreading out from an explosion. * This function will spawn 5, 10, or 15 fragments. * * Arguments: * 0: Position (posASL) of fragmenting projectile * 1: Velocity of the fragmenting projectile * 2: Height (AGL) of the fragmenting projectile * 3: Type of fragments to generate * 4: Remaining fragment budget * 5: Shot parents * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [getPosASL _proj, 800, 50, 50, [], 1, [player, player]] call ace_frag_fnc_doFragRandom; * * Public: No */ params ["_posASL", "_fragVelocity", "_heightATL", "_fragType", "_maxFragCount", "_shotParents"]; TRACE_6("doFragRandom",_posASL,_fragVelocity,_heightATL,_fragType,_maxFragCount,_shotParents); // See CfgAmmoFragSpawner for different frag types private _hMode = switch (true) do { case (_heightATL > 10): {"_top"}; case (_heightATL > 5): {"_hi"}; default {"_mid"}; }; private _type = [QGVAR(def_small_), QGVAR(def_tiny_)] select (_fragType isNotEqualTo [] && {"ace_frag_tiny" isEqualTo (_fragType#0)}); _maxFragCount = switch (true) do { case (_maxFragCount <= 5): {"5"}; case (_maxFragCount <= 10): {"10"}; default {"15"}; }; // Spawn the fragment spawner private _fragSpawner = createVehicle [_type + _maxFragCount + _hMode, ASLToATL _posASL, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _fragSpawner setVectorDirandUp [[0,0,1], [1,0,0]]; _fragSpawner setVelocity _fragVelocity; _fragSpawner setShotParents _shotParents; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL systemChat ("frag random objectID: " + getObjectID _proj); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_DRAW _fragSpawner addEventHandler [ "SubmunitionCreated", { params ["","_subProj"]; [_subProj, "green", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj); } ]; if (GVAR(dbgSphere)) then { [_posASL] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw); }; #endif