#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: commy2, johnb43 * Puts weapon on safety, or take it off safety if safety is already put on. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Weapon <STRING> * 2: Muzzle <STRING> * 3: Show hint <BOOL> (default: true) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [ACE_player, currentWeapon ACE_player, currentMuzzle ACE_player] call ace_safemode_fnc_lockSafety * * Public: No */ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", ["_hint", true]]; private _safedWeapons = _unit getVariable QGVAR(safedWeapons); if (isNil "_safedWeapons") then { _safedWeapons = createHashMap; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(safedWeapons), _safedWeapons]; }; // See if the current weapon has locked muzzles private _safedWeaponMuzzles = _safedWeapons getOrDefault [_weapon, createHashMap, true]; // If muzzle is locked, unlock it (toggle) if (_muzzle in _safedWeaponMuzzles) exitWith { [_unit, _weapon, _muzzle, _hint] call FUNC(unlockSafety); }; private _firemode = (_unit weaponState _muzzle) select 2; // This syntax of selectWeapon doesn't mess with gun lights and lasers _unit selectWeapon [_weapon, _muzzle, _firemode]; // Store new muzzle & firemode _safedWeaponMuzzles set [_muzzle, _firemode]; // Lock muzzle if (isNil {_unit getVariable QGVAR(actionID)}) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(actionID), [ _unit, "DefaultAction", { params ["", "_unit"]; if ( _unit call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon && { (weaponState _unit) params ["_currentWeapon", "_currentMuzzle"]; // Block firing the muzzle in safe mode if (_currentMuzzle in ((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(safedWeapons), createHashMap]) getOrDefault [_currentWeapon, createHashMap])) then { if (inputAction "nextWeapon" > 0 || {inputAction "prevWeapon" > 0}) exitWith { [_unit, _currentWeapon, _currentMuzzle] call FUNC(unlockSafety); false }; true } else { false } } ) then { // Player HUD false call FUNC(setSafeModeVisual); true } else { // Player HUD true call FUNC(setSafeModeVisual); false }; }, {} ] call EFUNC(common,addActionEventHandler)]; }; // Play fire mode selector sound [_unit, _weapon, _muzzle] call FUNC(playChangeFiremodeSound); // Show info box unless disabled if (_hint) then { [LLSTRING(PutOnSafety), getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "picture")] call EFUNC(common,displayTextPicture); };