layout: wiki
title: Sitting
description: Ability to sit on chairs.
group: feature
category: interaction
parent: wiki
mod: ace
major: 3
minor: 2
patch: 0
ACE3 Sitting has been deprecated in favour of ACEX Sitting and will be removed in a future version.
## 1. Overview
Adds the ability to sit on chairs.
## 2. Usage
Please note that to be able to use this function the sitting module need to be placed down (or set to 1 in the server config)
### 2.1 How to sit / stand up
- Look at the chair and press the interaction key Ctrl+⊞ Win (ACE3 default).
- Select `Sit Down`.
- To stand up press the self interaction key ⊞ Win (ACE3 default) and select `Stand Up`.
## 3. Dependencies
{% include dependencies_list.md component="sitting" %}