#include "script_component.hpp" [QGVAR(updateDamageEffects), LINKFUNC(updateDamageEffects)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; ["unit", { params ["_new"]; [_new] call FUNC(updateDamageEffects); // Run on new controlled unit to update QGVAR(aimFracture) }, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler; ["CAManBase", "init", { params ["_unit"]; // Check if last hit point is our dummy. private _allHitPoints = getAllHitPointsDamage _unit param [0, []]; reverse _allHitPoints; while {(_allHitPoints param [0, ""]) select [0,1] == "#"} do { WARNING_1("Ignoring Reflector hitpoint %1", _allHitPoints deleteAt 0); }; if (_allHitPoints param [0, ""] != "ACE_HDBracket") then { private _config = configOf _unit; if (getText (_config >> "simulation") == "UAVPilot") exitWith {TRACE_1("ignore UAV AI",typeOf _unit);}; if (getNumber (_config >> "isPlayableLogic") == 1) exitWith {TRACE_1("ignore logic unit",typeOf _unit)}; ERROR_1("Bad hitpoints for unit type ""%1""",typeOf _unit); } else { // Calling this function inside curly brackets allows the usage of // "exitWith", which would be broken with "HandleDamage" otherwise. _unit setVariable [ QEGVAR(medical,HandleDamageEHID), _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_this call FUNC(handleDamage)}] ]; }; }, nil, [IGNORE_BASE_UAVPILOTS], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), { params ["_unit", "_damages", "_shooter", "_ammo"]; TRACE_4("wound",_unit,_damages, _shooter, _ammo); //systemChat str _this; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; #endif // this handles moving units into vehicles via load functions or zeus // needed, because the vanilla INCAPACITATED state does not handle vehicles ["CAManBase", "GetInMan", { params ["_unit", "", "_vehicle"]; if (local _unit && {lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED"}) then { [_unit, true] call FUNC(setUnconsciousAnim); }; if (local _vehicle) then { [_unit] call FUNC(lockUnconsciousSeat); }; }] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["CAManBase", "GetOutMan", { params ["_unit", "", "_vehicle"]; if (local _vehicle) then { [_unit] call FUNC(unlockUnconsciousSeat); }; }] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; // Guarantee aircraft crashes are more lethal ["Air", "Killed", { params ["_vehicle", "_killer"]; TRACE_3("air killed",_vehicle,typeOf _vehicle,velocity _vehicle); if ((getText (configOf _vehicle >> "destrType")) == "") exitWith {}; if (unitIsUAV _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _lethality = linearConversion [0, 25, (vectorMagnitude velocity _vehicle), 0.5, 1]; TRACE_2("air crash",_lethality,crew _vehicle); { [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_x, [[_lethality, "Head", _lethality]], _killer, "#vehiclecrash"], _x] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; } forEach (crew _vehicle); }, true, ["ParachuteBase"]] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; // Fixes units being stuck in unconscious animation when being knocked over by a PhysX object ["CAManBase", "AnimDone", { params ["_unit", "_anim"]; if (local _unit && {_anim find QUNCON_ANIM(face) != -1 && {lifeState _unit != "INCAPACITATED"}}) then { [_unit, false] call FUNC(setUnconsciousAnim); }; }] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["ace_unconscious", { params ["_unit", "_unconscious"]; if (vehicle _unit != _unit && {local vehicle _unit}) then { if (_unconscious) then { [_unit] call FUNC(lockUnconsciousSeat); } else { [_unit] call FUNC(unlockUnconsciousSeat); }; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;