/* * Author: ACE2 Team, esteldunedain, Ruthberg * Updates the weather evolution on the server. Broadcasts relevant weather information to the clients. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [] call ace_weather_fnc_updateWeather * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" missionNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(currentOvercast), overcast, true]; [] call FUNC(updateTemperature); [] call FUNC(updateHumidity); // Wind simulation if (GVAR(windSimulation) && CBA_missionTime > GVAR(next_wind_udpate)) then { GVAR(current_wind_direction) = GVAR(next_wind_direction); GVAR(current_wind_speed) = GVAR(next_wind_speed); private _transitionPeriod = GVAR(updateInterval) * (2 + (random 4)) / (1 + overcast); GVAR(next_wind_udpate) = CBA_missionTime + _transitionPeriod; private _windDirectionVariance = (90 - (random 180)) * (overcast ^ 2); GVAR(next_wind_direction) = (360 + GVAR(wind_direction_reference) + _windDirectionVariance) % 360; if ((random 1) < (0.3 max overcast)) then { private _speedVariance = GVAR(wind_upper_span) * (random 1) ^ 2 + GVAR(wind_lower_span) * (random 1) ^ 2; GVAR(next_wind_speed) = GVAR(mean_wind_speed) + _speedVariance; }; GVAR(last_wind_update) = CBA_missionTime; TRACE_5("dirCur/dirNew/spdCur/spdNew/period",GVAR(current_wind_direction),GVAR(next_wind_direction),GVAR(current_wind_speed),GVAR(next_wind_speed),_transitionPeriod); };