#include "script_component.hpp"
 * Author: BaerMitUmlaut, mharis001
 * Handles the surgical kit treatment by periodically closing bandaged wounds.
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Arguments <ARRAY>
 *   0: Medic (not used) <OBJECT>
 *   1: Patient <OBJECT>
 * 1: Elapsed Time <NUMBER>
 * 2: Total Time <NUMBER>
 * Return Value:
 * Continue Treatment <BOOL>
 * Example:
 * [[objNull, player], 5, 10] call ace_medical_treatment_fnc_surgicalKitProgress
 * Public: No

params ["_args", "_elapsedTime", "_totalTime"];
_args params ["", "_patient"];

private _stitchableWounds = _patient call FUNC(getStitchableWounds);

// Stop treatment if there are no wounds that can be stitched remaining
if (_stitchableWounds isEqualTo []) exitWith {false};

// Not enough time has elapsed to stitch a wound
if (_totalTime - _elapsedTime > (count _stitchableWounds - 1) * GVAR(woundStitchTime)) exitWith {true};

private _bandagedWounds = GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_patient);
private _stitchedWounds = GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(_patient);

// Remove the first stitchable wound from the bandaged wounds
private _treatedWound = _bandagedWounds deleteAt (_bandagedWounds find (_stitchableWounds select 0));
_treatedWound params ["_treatedID", "_treatedBodyPartN", "_treatedAmountOf", "", "_treatedDamageOf"];

// Check if we need to add a new stitched wound or increase the amount of an existing one
private _woundIndex = _stitchedWounds findIf {
    _x params ["_classID", "_bodyPartN"];

    _classID == _treatedID && {_bodyPartN == _treatedBodyPartN}

if (_woundIndex == -1) then {
    _stitchedWounds pushBack _treatedWound;
} else {
    private _wound = _stitchedWounds select _woundIndex;
    _wound set [2, (_wound select 2) + _treatedAmountOf];

if (GVAR(clearTrauma) == 1) then {
    TRACE_2("clearTrauma - clearing trauma after stitching",_partIndex,_treatedWound);
    private _bodyPartDamage = _patient getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), []];
    _bodyPartDamage set [_treatedBodyPartN, (_bodyPartDamage select _treatedBodyPartN) - _treatedDamageOf];
    _patient setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
    TRACE_2("clearTrauma - healed damage",_partIndex,_treatedDamageOf);

    switch (_treatedBodyPartN) do {
        case 0: { [_patient, true, false, false, false] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals); };
        case 1: { [_patient, false, true, false, false] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals); };
        case 2;
        case 3: { [_patient, false, false, true, false] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals); };
        default { [_patient, false, false, false, true] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals); };

_patient setVariable [VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS, _bandagedWounds, true];
_patient setVariable [VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS, _stitchedWounds, true];

// Check if we fixed limping by stitching this wound (only for leg wounds)
if (EGVAR(medical,limping) == 2 && {_patient getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,isLimping), false]} && {_treatedBodyPartN > 3}) then {
    TRACE_3("Updating damage effects",_patient,_treatedBodyPartN,local _patient);
    [QEGVAR(medical_engine,updateDamageEffects), _patient, _patient] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
