/* * Author: Glowbal, KoffeinFlummi, commy2 * Check if a unit is any engineer class. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Class <NUMBER> (default: 1) * * Return Value: * Is Engineer Class <BOOL> * * Example: * [unit, 1] call ace_repair_fnc_isEngineer * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", ["_engineerN", 1]]; TRACE_2("params",_unit,_engineerN); private ["_class"]; _class = _unit getVariable ["ACE_IsEngineer", getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _unit >> "engineer")]; // This if statement is here for copmatability with the common variant of isEngineer, which requires a bool. // We cannot move this function to common because we require the GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair), which only makes sense to include in the repair module. if (typeName _class == "BOOL") then {_class = 1}; _class >= (_engineerN min GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair));