/* * Author: PabstMirror * Finds real x/y offset and map step for a 10 digit grid * Save time by preparing data one time at startup * Ideas from Nou's mapGridToPos and BIS_fnc_gridToPos * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [] call ace_map_fnc_getMapGridData * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" GVAR(mapGridData) = []; //--- Extract grid values from world config (Borrowed from BIS_fnc_gridToPos) private _cfgGrid = configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid"; private _offsetX = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetX"); private _offsetY = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetY"); private _zoomMax = 1e99; private _formatX = ""; private _formatY = ""; private _stepX = 1e10; private _stepY = 1e10; { private _zoom = getnumber (_x >> "zoomMax"); if (_zoom < _zoomMax) then { _zoomMax = _zoom; _formatX = getText (_x >> "formatX"); _formatY = getText (_x >> "formatY"); _stepX = getNumber (_x >> "stepX"); _stepY = getNumber (_x >> "stepY"); }; false } count configProperties [_cfgGrid, "isClass _x", false]; private _letterGrid = false; if (toLower _formatX find "a" != -1) then {_letterGrid = true}; if (toLower _formatY find "a" != -1) then {_letterGrid = true}; if (_letterGrid) exitWith { WARNING_3("Map Grid Warning (%1) - Map uses letter grids [%2, %3]",worldName,_formatX,_formatY); }; //Start at [0, 500] and move north until we get a change in grid private _heightOffset = 500; private _startGrid = mapGridPosition [0, _heightOffset]; private _originGrid = _startGrid; while {_startGrid == _originGrid} do { _heightOffset = _heightOffset + 1; _originGrid = mapGridPosition [0, _heightOffset]; }; //Calculate the real y offset private _realOffsetY = (parseNumber (_originGrid select [count _formatX, count _formatY])) * _stepY + _heightOffset - 1; //Calculate MGRS 10digit step - they should both be 1 meter: private _stepXat5 = _stepX * 10 ^ ((count _formatX) - 5); private _stepYat5 = -1 * _stepY * 10 ^ ((count _formatY) - 5); if (_stepYat5 < 0) then { WARNING_1("Map Grid Warning (%1) - Northing is reversed.",worldName); }; if (_stepXat5 != 1) then { WARNING_2("Map Grid Warning (%1) - MGRS 10 digit grid does not equal 1 meter: (%2) for x.",worldName,_stepXat5); }; if (_stepYat5 != 1 && {_stepYat5 != -1}) then { WARNING_2("Map Grid Warning (%1) - MGRS 10 digit grid does not equal 1 meter: (%2) for y.",worldName,_stepXat5); }; GVAR(mapGridData) = [_offsetX, _realOffsetY, _stepXat5, _stepYat5];