/* * Author: PabstMirror * Shows multiple watched variables on the main display (for easy debugging) * * Arguments: * 0: Title (var name) * 1: Code to generate result (passed nothing, can return any) * 2: Array containing modifiers * For Numbers: * 0: Show Delta change (default: true) * 1: Slider Min Value (default: 0) * 1: Slider Max Value (default: 0) * For Anything else: * 0: Number of structured text lines (default: 1) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * ["CBA_missionTime"] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; // Uses title as code * ["diag_frameNo", {diag_frameNo}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; // Won't show delta * ["blood", {player getVariable "ace_medical_bloodVolume"}, [true, 0, 100]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; // Shows slider * ["multiLine text", {"Line 1
Line 2"}, [2]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; * ["player names", {allPlayers apply {name _x}}, [5]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; // handles any data types * * Public: Yes */ // #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" #define TEXT_HEIGHT 16 params [["_name", "", [""]],["_code", {}, [{}]], ["_mods", [], [[]]]]; TRACE_3("params",_name,_code,_mods); if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; if (canSuspend) exitWith { // Ensure atomic - (fix `disableSerialization` error when called from init.sqf) [FUNC(watchVariable), _this] call CBA_fnc_directCall; }; if (isNull (findDisplay 46)) exitWith { TRACE_1("waiting for main display to be ready",isNull (findDisplay 46)); [{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}, {_this call FUNC(watchVariable);}, _this] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; if (_code isEqualTo {}) then {TRACE_1("using title as code",_title); _code = compile _name;}; private _trackedDisplay = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(watchVariableUI), displayNull]; if (isNull _trackedDisplay) then { TRACE_1("creating display and adding PFEH",time); QGVAR(watchVariableUI) cutRsc [QGVAR(watchVariableUI), "PLAIN", 1, true]; [{ private _trackedDisplay = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(watchVariableUI), displayNull]; private _varArray = _trackedDisplay getVariable [QGVAR(vars), []]; TRACE_1("updating watched variables",count _varArray); { _x params ["_ctrlGroup", "_code", "_showDelta", "_lastNumber", "_barMin", "_barMax"]; private _result = [] call _code; if (isNil "_result") then { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 1) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["NIL"]; } else { if (_result isEqualType 0) then { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 2) progressSetPosition linearConversion [_barMin, _barMax, _result, 0, 1, true]; if (_showDelta) then { private _delta = _result - _lastNumber; _x set [3, _result]; if (_delta < 0) then { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 1) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["%1 (%2)", _result, _delta]; } else { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 1) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["%1 (%2)", _result, _delta]; }; } else { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 1) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["%1", _result]; }; } else { (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 1) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["%1", _result]; }; }; } forEach _varArray; }, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; }; // Add curent call: private _trackedDisplay = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(watchVariableUI), displayNull]; private _varArray = _trackedDisplay getVariable [QGVAR(vars), []]; private _freePositionY = _trackedDisplay getVariable [QGVAR(freePosition), safeZoneY + 100 * pixelH]; private _height = 2 * TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH; private _ctrlGroup = _trackedDisplay ctrlCreate ["ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars", -1]; private _ctrlBackground = (_trackedDisplay ctrlCreate ["ctrlStaticBackground", -1, _ctrlGroup]); _ctrlBackground ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5]; private _ctrlTitle = (_trackedDisplay ctrlCreate ["ctrlStatic", -1, _ctrlGroup]); _ctrlTitle ctrlSetFontHeight (TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH); _ctrlTitle ctrlSetFont "EtelkaMonospacePro"; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetPosition [0, 0, 300 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelW]; _ctrlTitle ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetText _name; if ((_mods param [0, true, [0, false]]) isEqualType false) then { _mods params [["_showDelta", true, [false]], ["_barMin", 0, [0]], ["_barMax", 0, [0]]]; TRACE_3("adding number",_barMin,_barMax,_showDelta); if (_barMin != _barMax) then { TRACE_2("creating bar",_barMin,_barMax); private _ctrlSlider = _trackedDisplay ctrlCreate ["RscProgress", 2, _ctrlGroup]; _ctrlSlider ctrlSetPosition [0 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH, 300 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH]; _ctrlSlider ctrlSetFade 0.25; _ctrlSlider ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0.2, 1]; _ctrlSlider ctrlCommit 0; }; private _ctrlResultText = _trackedDisplay ctrlCreate [QGVAR(debug_structuredText), 1, _ctrlGroup]; _ctrlResultText ctrlSetPosition [25 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH, 275 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH]; _ctrlResultText ctrlCommit 0; _varArray pushBack [_ctrlGroup, _code, _showDelta, 0, _barMin, _barMax]; } else { _mods params [["_lines", 1, [1]]]; _lines = _lines max 1; TRACE_1("adding text",_lines); private _ctrlResultText = _trackedDisplay ctrlCreate [QGVAR(debug_structuredText), 1, _ctrlGroup]; _ctrlResultText ctrlSetPosition [25 * pixelW, TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH, 275 * pixelW, _lines * TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH]; _ctrlResultText ctrlCommit 0; _height = (1 + _lines) * TEXT_HEIGHT * pixelH; _varArray pushBack [_ctrlGroup, _code, false, -1, 0, 0]; }; _trackedDisplay setVariable [QGVAR(vars), _varArray]; _ctrlGroup ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, _freePositionY, 300 * pixelW, _height]; _ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlBackground ctrlSetPosition [0, 0, 300 * pixelW, _height]; _ctrlBackground ctrlCommit 0; _freePositionY = _freePositionY + _height + 5 * pixelH; _trackedDisplay setVariable [QGVAR(freePosition), _freePositionY]; nil