#include "script_component.hpp" ADDON = false; #include "XEH_PREP.hpp" // set dummy world size and mapScaleFactor, will be overridden once main map loads GVAR(worldSize) = 8192; GVAR(mapScaleFactor) = GVAR(worldSize) / 2666.65; ["mapDisplayLoaded",{ if ((_this select 1) == "Ingame") then { /* * Figure out the scaling factor based on the current map (island) being played */ private _ctrlMap = (_this select 0) displayCtrl 51; private _mapPos1 = _ctrlMap ctrlMapScreenToWorld [0, 0]; private _mapPos2 = _ctrlMap ctrlMapScreenToWorld [1, 0]; _mapPos1 set [2, 0]; _mapPos2 set [2, 0]; GVAR(worldSize) = round ((_mapPos1 vectorDistance _mapPos2) / ctrlMapScale _ctrlMap); // still need to figure out if this is really required and how I actually got to this number (too long ago!) GVAR(mapScaleFactor) = GVAR(worldSize) / 2666.65; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; ADDON = true;