#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Hellfire attack profile. Handles all 4 modes LOBL, LOAL-DIR, LOAL-HI, LOAL-LO * * Arguments: * 0: Seeker Target PosASL * 1: Guidance Arg Array * 2: Attack Profile State * * Return Value: * Missile Aim PosASL * * Example: * [[1,2,3], [], []] call ace_hellfire_fnc_attackProfile * * Public: No */ params ["_seekerTargetPos", "_args", "_attackProfileStateParams"]; _args params ["_firedEH", "_launchParams", "_flightParams", "", "_stateParams"]; _stateParams params ["", "_seekerStateParams"]; _launchParams params ["","_targetLaunchParams","_seekerType"]; _targetLaunchParams params ["", "", "_launchPos"]; _firedEH params ["","","","","","","_projectile"]; // Get state params: if (_attackProfileStateParams isEqualTo []) then { _this call FUNC(getAttackProfileSettings); }; _attackProfileStateParams params ["_attackStage", "_configLaunchHeightClear", "_missileStateData"]; private _projectilePos = getPosASL _projectile; private _distanceFromLaunch2d = _launchPos distance2d _projectilePos; private _heightAboveLaunch = (_projectilePos select 2) - (_launchPos select 2); // Add height depending on distance for compensate private _returnTargetPos = _seekerTargetPos; private _closingRate = vectorMagnitude velocity _projectile; private _timeToGo = (_projectilePos distance2d _seekerTargetPos) / _closingRate; private _los = vectorNormalized (_seekerTargetPos vectorDiff _projectilePos); _flightParams params ["_pitchRate", "_yawRate"]; private _angleToTarget = acos ((vectorDir _projectile) vectorCos _los); private _atMinRotationAngle = _angleToTarget >= (0.5 * _pitchRate * _timeToGo); switch (_attackStage) do { case STAGE_LAUNCH: { // Gain height quickly to pass terrain mask _missileStateData params ["_heightBeforeStateSwitch", "_initialDistanceToTarget"]; _returnTargetPos set [2, _heightBeforeStateSwitch + (_initialDistanceToTarget * sin 20)]; // 100 and 36.4 gives a 20 deg angle if (_heightAboveLaunch > _configLaunchHeightClear) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [0, STAGE_SEEK_CRUISE]; TRACE_2("New Stage: STAGE_SEEK_CRUISE",_distanceFromLaunch2d,_heightAboveLaunch); }; if (_atMinRotationAngle) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [0, STAGE_ATTACK_TERMINAL]; TRACE_2("New Stage: STAGE_ATTACK_TERMINAL",_distanceToTarget2d,_currentHeightOverTarget); }; }; case STAGE_SEEK_CRUISE: { // Slowly gain altitude while searching for target _missileStateData params ["_heightBeforeStateSwitch", "_initialDistanceToTarget"]; // Before 4000 cruise at 5.7 degrees up, then level out _returnTargetPos set [2, _heightBeforeStateSwitch + (_initialDistanceToTarget * sin 5.7)]; if (_seekerTargetPos isNotEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [0, STAGE_ATTACK_CRUISE]; _attackProfileStateParams set [2, [_projectilePos select 2, _seekerTargetPos distance2d _projectilePos]]; TRACE_1("New Stage: STAGE_ATTACK_CRUISE",_distanceFromLaunch2d); }; }; case STAGE_ATTACK_CRUISE: { _missileStateData params ["_heightBeforeStateSwitch", "_initialDistanceToTarget"]; private _currentHeightOverTarget = (_projectilePos select 2) - (_seekerTargetPos select 2); private _distanceToTarget2d = _seekerTargetPos distance2d _projectilePos; _returnTargetPos set [2, _heightBeforeStateSwitch + (_initialDistanceToTarget * sin 7)]; // if we are at the rotation limit, rotate to target if (_atMinRotationAngle || {(_currentHeightOverTarget atan2 _distanceToTarget2d) > 15}) then { // Wait until we can come down at a sharp angle _attackProfileStateParams set [0, STAGE_ATTACK_TERMINAL]; TRACE_2("New Stage: STAGE_ATTACK_TERMINAL",_distanceToTarget2d,_currentHeightOverTarget); }; }; case STAGE_ATTACK_TERMINAL: { }; }; // missile guidance defines this variable in doAttackProfile _attackProfileName = ["na", "hellfire - LAUNCH", "hellfire - SEEK CRUISE", "hellfire - ATTACK CRUISE", "hellfire - TERMINAL"] select _attackStage; TRACE_1("Adjusted target position", _returnTargetPos); _returnTargetPos;