/* * Author: joko // Jonas * * Handle fire of Other Weapons * * Arguments: * 0: Unit that fired * 1: Weapon fired * 2: Muzzle * 3: Mode * 4: Ammo * 5: Magazine * 6: Projectile * * Return value: * None */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_damage","_varName"]; params ["", "_weapon", "", "", "_ammo", "_magazine", ""]; // Bake Variable Name and Check if the Variable Exist else call the Cache Function _varName = format [QGVAR(values%1%2%3), _weapon, _ammo, _magazine]; _damage = if (isNil _varName) then { ([_weapon, _ammo, _magazine] call FUNC(cacheOverPressureValues)) select 2; } else { (missionNameSpace getVariable _varName) select 2; }; if (_damage > 0) then { _this call DFUNC(fireOverpressureZone) };