#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: kymckay * Function used to get an appropriate icon for provided group. Approximate. * * Arguments: * 0: Group to get the icon of <GROUP> * 1: Return icons for draw3D use <BOOL> (Default: false) * * Return Value: * Icon of group <STRING> * * Examples: * [group player] call ace_spectator_fnc_getGroupIcon * * Public: No */ #define ICON_PATH(var1) QUOTE(a3\ui_f\data\Map\Markers\NATO\var1) // Military icons #define ICON_UNKNOWN [ICON_PATH(b_unknown.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_unknown.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_UAV [ICON_PATH(b_uav.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_uav.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_SUPPORT [ICON_PATH(b_support.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_support.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_SERVICE [ICON_PATH(b_service.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_service.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_RECON [ICON_PATH(b_recon.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_recon.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_PLANE [ICON_PATH(b_plane.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_plane.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_NAVAL [ICON_PATH(b_naval.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_naval.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_MOTOR_INF [ICON_PATH(b_motor_inf.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_motor_inf.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_MORTAR [ICON_PATH(b_mortar.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_mortar.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_MED [ICON_PATH(b_med.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_med.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_MECH_INF [ICON_PATH(b_mech_inf.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_mech_inf.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_MAINT [ICON_PATH(b_maint.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_maint.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_INSTALLATION [ICON_PATH(b_installation.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_installation.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_INF [ICON_PATH(b_inf.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_inf.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_ART [ICON_PATH(b_art.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_art.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_ARMOR [ICON_PATH(b_armor.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_armor.paa)] select _forDraw #define ICON_AIR [ICON_PATH(b_air.paa), QPATHTOF(data\b_air.paa)] select _forDraw // Civilian icons #define CIV_ICON_UNKNOWN [ICON_PATH(c_unknown.paa), QPATHTOF(data\c_unknown.paa)] select _forDraw #define CIV_ICON_AIR [ICON_PATH(c_air.paa), QPATHTOF(data\c_air.paa)] select _forDraw #define CIV_ICON_CAR [ICON_PATH(c_car.paa), QPATHTOF(data\c_car.paa)] select _forDraw #define CIV_ICON_PLANE [ICON_PATH(c_plane.paa), QPATHTOF(data\c_plane.paa)] select _forDraw #define CIV_ICON_SHIP [ICON_PATH(c_ship.paa), QPATHTOF(data\c_ship.paa)] select _forDraw params [["_group", grpNull, [grpNull]], ["_forDraw", false, [true]]]; // Handle empty or null group private _leader = leader _group; if (isNull _leader) exitWith { [ICON_UNKNOWN, CIV_ICON_UNKNOWN] select (side _group == civilian) }; // Civilians are easy, just check leader's vehicle (unlikely group is large) if (side _group == civilian) exitWith { if (_leader != vehicle _leader) then { // More common cases should be checked first (vehicle _leader) call { if (_this isKindOf "Car") exitWith { CIV_ICON_CAR }; // Plane inherits Air, check first if (_this isKindOf "Plane") exitWith { CIV_ICON_PLANE }; if (_this isKindOf "Air") exitWith { CIV_ICON_AIR }; if (_this isKindOf "Ship") exitWith { CIV_ICON_SHIP }; CIV_ICON_UNKNOWN }; } else { CIV_ICON_UNKNOWN }; }; // Handle military groups private _units = units _group; private _vehicles = (_units apply { vehicle _x }) - _units; // If more than 33% of the group is mounted, use most common vehicle if (count _vehicles >= 0.33 * count _units) exitWith { // Check the most likely cases first _vehicles call { private _threshold = 0.5 * count _this; if ("Car" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_MOTOR_INF }; // APC inherits Tank, check first if ("APC" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_MECH_INF }; // MBT_01_arty_base_F inherits Tank, check first // Unfortunately no common arty class to check if ("MBT_01_arty_base_F" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_ART }; if ("MBT_02_arty_base_F" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_ART }; if ("Tank" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_ARMOR }; // UAV inherits Plane, check first if ("UAV" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_UAV }; // Plane inherits Air, check first if ("Plane" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_PLANE }; if ("Air" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_AIR }; if ("Ship" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_NAVAL }; // StaticMortar inherits StaticWeapon, check first if ("StaticMortar" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_MORTAR }; if ("StaticWeapon" countType _this >= _threshold) exitWith { ICON_INSTALLATION }; // If it reaches here then it's a mixed group of vehicles ICON_UNKNOWN }; }; // Check leader for medic/engineer/etc, otherwise just default to infantry private _medic = [_leader] call EFUNC(common,isMedic); private _engineer = [_leader] call EFUNC(common,isEngineer); if (_medic && _engineer) exitWith { ICON_SUPPORT }; if (_medic) exitWith { ICON_MED }; if (_engineer) exitWith { ICON_MAINT }; ICON_INF