#include "script_component.hpp" #include "..\defines.hpp" /* * Author: Alganthe, johnb43 * Verify the provided loadout: Check what items do not exist and what items aren't available in current arsenal. * * Arguments: * 0: Loadout (CBA Extended Loadout or getUnitLoadout format) * * Return Value: * Verified loadout and missing / unavailable items list and count * * Public: No */ params ["_loadout"]; private _extendedInfo = createHashMap; // Check if the provided loadout is a CBA extended loadout if (count _loadout == 2) then { _extendedInfo = _loadout select 1; _loadout = _loadout select 0; }; private _cfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; private _cfgMagazines = configFile >> "CfgMagazines"; private _cfgVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles"; private _cfgGlasses = configFile >> "CfgGlasses"; private _weapons = GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_WEAPONS; private _attachments = GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_ATTACHMENTS; private _name = ""; private _nullItemsAmount = 0; private _unavailableItemsAmount = 0; private _nullItemsList = []; private _unavailableItemsList = []; // Search for all items and turn them into config case; Don't touch other value types private _fnc_toConfigCase = { _this apply { if (_x isEqualType "") then { if (_x != "") then { _name = _x call EFUNC(common,getConfigName); // If item doesn't exist in config, "" is returned // Just return unaltered item name in that case, so it can be documented as being unavailable if (_name != "") then { _name } else { _x }; } else { _x }; } else { // Handle arrays if (_x isEqualType []) then { _x call _fnc_toConfigCase } else { // All other types _x }; }; }; }; // Convert loadout to config case // Loadout might come from a different modpack, which might have different config naming _loadout = _loadout call _fnc_toConfigCase; // Check a weapon, with its attachments and magazines, if items are available private _fnc_weaponCheck = { params ["_weaponArray", ["_index", -1]]; { // Weapons and attachments if (_x isEqualType "") then { if (_x != "") then { // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgWeapons >> _x)) then { // Get base weapon _x = _x call FUNC(baseWeapon); // Check if item is available in arsenal if !( // Weapon class name is at the very start of the array if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { // If the type of weapon is known, only look through that array if (_index != -1) then { // If binos, choose differently if (_index == IDX_LOADOUT_BINO) then { _x in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_BINO) } else { _x in (_weapons get _index) }; } else { _x in (_weapons get IDX_VIRT_PRIMARY_WEAPONS) || {_x in (_weapons get IDX_VIRT_SECONDARY_WEAPONS)} || {_x in (_weapons get IDX_VIRT_HANDGUN_WEAPONS)} || {_x in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_BINO)} }; } else { _x in (_attachments get IDX_VIRT_OPTICS_ATTACHMENTS) || {_x in (_attachments get IDX_VIRT_FLASHLIGHT_ATTACHMENTS)} || {_x in (_attachments get IDX_VIRT_MUZZLE_ATTACHMENTS)} || {_x in (_attachments get IDX_VIRT_BIPOD_ATTACHMENTS)} } ) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _x; _weaponArray set [_forEachIndex, ""]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _x; _weaponArray set [_forEachIndex, ""]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; } else { // Magazines if (_x isNotEqualTo []) then { _x params ["_magazine"]; // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgMagazines >> _magazine)) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_magazine in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_ITEMS_ALL)) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _magazine; _weaponArray set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _magazine; _weaponArray set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; } forEach _weaponArray; }; private _item = ""; // Go through entire loadout to check if items are available in current arsenal for "_dataIndex" from IDX_LOADOUT_PRIMARY_WEAPON to IDX_LOADOUT_ASSIGNEDITEMS do { switch (_dataIndex) do { // Primary weapon, Secondary weapon, Handgun weapon, Binoculars case IDX_LOADOUT_PRIMARY_WEAPON; case IDX_LOADOUT_SECONDARY_WEAPON; case IDX_LOADOUT_HANDGUN_WEAPON; case IDX_LOADOUT_BINO: { [_loadout select _dataIndex, _dataIndex] call _fnc_weaponCheck; }; // Uniform, vest, backpack case IDX_LOADOUT_UNIFORM; case IDX_LOADOUT_VEST; case IDX_LOADOUT_BACKPACK: { (_loadout select _dataIndex) params [["_item", ""], ["_containerItems", []]]; if (_item != "") then { // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgVehicles >> _item) || {isClass (_cfgWeapons >> _item)}) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get (_dataIndex + 1))) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, []]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); } else { { switch (true) do { // Magazines have each 3 entries: Name, number of magazines and ammo count case (_x isEqualTypeArray ["", 0, 0]): { _x params ["_item"]; // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgMagazines >> _item)) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !( _item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_ITEMS_ALL) || {_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_GRENADES)} || {_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_EXPLOSIVES)} || {_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_MISC_ITEMS)} ) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; ((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; ((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; // Weapons have 2 entries: Weapon info array and amount case (_x isEqualTypeArray [[], 0]): { [_x select 0] call _fnc_weaponCheck; }; // Misc. items have 2 entries: Name and amount, containers have 2 entries: Name and isBackpack default { _x params ["_item"]; // Check if item exists if ( isClass (_cfgWeapons >> _item) || {isClass (_cfgMagazines >> _item)} || {isClass (_cfgGlasses >> _item)} || {isClass (_cfgVehicles >> _item)} ) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_item in GVAR(virtualItemsFlat)) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; ((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; ((_loadout select _dataIndex) select 1) set [_forEachIndex, []]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; } forEach _containerItems; }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, []]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; // Headgear case IDX_LOADOUT_HEADGEAR: { _item = _loadout select _dataIndex; if (_item != "") then { // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgWeapons >> _item)) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_HEADGEAR)) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, ""]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, ""]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; // Facewear case IDX_LOADOUT_GOGGLES: { _item = _loadout select _dataIndex; if (_item != "") then { // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgGlasses >> _item)) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_GOGGLES)) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, ""]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _loadout set [_dataIndex, ""]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; // Assigned items: Map, Compass, Watch, GPS / UAV Terminal, Radio, NVGs case IDX_LOADOUT_ASSIGNEDITEMS: { private _assignedItems = _loadout select _dataIndex; for "_subIndex" from 0 to 5 do { _item = _assignedItems select _subIndex; if (_item != "") then { // Check if item exists if (isClass (_cfgWeapons >> _item)) then { // Check if item is available in arsenal if !(_item in (GVAR(virtualItems) get (IDX_VIRT_NVG + ([2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 0] select _subIndex)))) then { _unavailableItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _assignedItems set [_subIndex, ""]; INC(_unavailableItemsAmount); }; } else { _nullItemsList pushBackUnique _item; _assignedItems set [_subIndex, ""]; INC(_nullItemsAmount); }; }; }; }; }; }; [[_loadout, _extendedInfo], _nullItemsAmount, _unavailableItemsAmount, _nullItemsList, _unavailableItemsList]