/* * Author: commy2 * * Sets a public object namespace variable that gets reset with the same value after respawn, so JIP clients keep the value. * * Argument: * 0: Object (Object) * 1: Variable name (String) * 2: Any value (Anything) * * Return value: * Nothing. */ private ["_unit", "_varName", "_value", "_respawnVariables"]; _unit = _this select 0; _varName = _this select 1; _value = _this select 2; _respawnVariables = _unit getVariable ["AGM_respawnVariables", []]; if !(_varName in _respawnVariables) then { _respawnVariables pushBack _varName; _unit setVariable ["AGM_respawnVariables", _respawnVariables, true]; }; _unit setVariable [_varName, _value, true];