#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: SilentSpike * Finds the wound most effective to bandage on the given bodypart of the patient for the given bandage type. * * Arguments: * 0: The patient <OBJECT> * 1: Treatment class name <STRING> * 2: Body part index <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * [Wound, Index, Effectiveness] <ARRAY, NUMBER, NUMBER> * * Public: No */ params ["_patient", "_bandage", "_partIndex"]; // Get the default effectiveness for the used bandage private _config = configFile >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "Bandaging"; private _effectiveness = getNumber (_config >> "effectiveness"); if (isClass (_config >> _bandage)) then { _config = (_config >> _bandage); if (isNumber (_config >> "effectiveness")) then { _effectiveness = getNumber (_config >> "effectiveness"); }; }; // Iterate over open wounds to find the most effective target private _openWounds = _patient getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]; if (_openWounds isEqualTo []) exitWith { [EMPTY_WOUND, -1, -1] }; private _wound = EMPTY_WOUND; private _woundIndex = -1; private _effectivenessFound = -1; { _x params ["", "_classID", "_partIndexN", "_amountOf", "_bleeding", "_damage", "_category"]; // Ignore wounds on other bodyparts if (_partIndexN == _partIndex) then { private _woundEffectiveness = _effectiveness; // Select the classname from the wound classname storage private _suffix = ["Minor", "Medium", "Large"] select _category; private _className = format ["%1%2", EGVAR(medical_damage,woundClassNames) select _classID, _suffix]; // Get the effectiveness of the bandage on this wound type if (isClass (_config >> _className)) then { private _woundTreatmentConfig = _config >> _className; if (isNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "effectiveness")) then { _woundEffectiveness = getNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "effectiveness"); }; } else { // Basic medical bandage just has a base level config (same effectivenes for all wound types) if (_bandage != "BasicBandage") then { WARNING_2("No config for wound type [%1] config base [%2]",_className,_config); }; }; // Track most effective found so far if (_woundEffectiveness * _amountOf * _bleeding > _effectivenessFound * (_wound select 3) * (_wound select 4)) then { _effectivenessFound = _woundEffectiveness; _woundIndex = _forEachIndex; _wound = _x; }; }; } forEach _openWounds; [_wound, _woundIndex, _effectivenessFound]