--- layout: wiki title: Fortify description: Enables player to build fortifications. group: feature category: interaction parent: wiki mod: acex version: major: 3 minor: 3 patch: 0 --- ## 1. Overview Enable players to place down fortifications. Budget enables mission makers / admin to restrict the amount of resources available. ## 2. Usage Please note that to use this function the Fortify module needs to be placed down and `Fortify Tool` equipped by player. ### 2.1 Placing fortification - Open self-interaction menu with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>⊞ Win</kbd> (ACE3 default). - Select `Equipment` -> `Fortify`. - Choose your fortification object and follow the instructions on the screen. ### 2.1 Removing fortification - Use interaction <kbd>⊞ Win</kbd> on object. ## 3. Tips - Using <kbd>Alt</kbd> / <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> / <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>Scroll Wheel</kbd> you can rotate object on different axis. - You can use planks to get up on rooftops. - Holding <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> while placing allows for placing multiple objects of the same type. ## 4. Dependencies {% include dependenciesx_list.md component="fortify" %}