#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Brandon (TCVM) * Attack profile: Wire guided * * Arguments: * 0: Seeker Target PosASL * 1: Guidance Arg Array * 2: Attack Profile State * * Return Value: * Missile Aim PosASL * * Example: * [[1,2,3], [], []] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_attackProfile_WIRE; * * Public: No */ params ["_seekerTargetPos", "_args", "_attackProfileStateParams"]; _args params ["_firedEH"]; _firedEH params ["_shooter","","","","","","_projectile"]; _attackProfileStateParams params["_maxCorrectableDistance", "_wireCut", "_randomVector", "_crosshairOffset", "_seekerMaxRangeSqr", "_seekerMinRangeSqr", "_wireCutSource", "_distanceAheadOfMissile"]; private _projectilePos = getPosASL _projectile; private _shooterPos = getPosASL _shooter; private _distanceToProjectile = _shooterPos vectorDistanceSqr _projectilePos; if ((_distanceToProjectile > _seekerMaxRangeSqr) || { _wireCut }) exitWith { // wire snap, random direction if (_randomVector isEqualTo [0, 0, 0]) then { _randomVector = RANDOM_VECTOR_3D vectorMultiply 300; _attackProfileStateParams set [1, true]; _attackProfileStateParams set [2, _randomVector]; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\air\sfx\SL_rope_break.wss", objNull, false, AGLtoASL (_shooter modelToWorld _wireCutSource), 5, 1, 150]; }; private _randomDir = _projectilePos vectorAdd _randomVector; _targetData set [0, _projectilePos vectorFromTo _randomDir]; _targetData set [2, _randomDir distance _projectilePos]; _randomDir }; if (_seekerTargetPos isEqualTo [0, 0, 0] || { _distanceToProjectile < _seekerMinRangeSqr }) exitWith { // cut wire if its caught on terrain /*if (lineIntersectsSurfaces [getPosASL _shooter, _projectilePos, _shooter] isNotEqualTo []) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [1, true]; };*/ // return position 50m infront of projectile and a bit up to get out of the way of the ground _projectilePos vectorAdd (_projectile vectorModelToWorld [0, 50, 3]) }; systemChat str _crosshairOffset; _seekerTargetPos vectorAdd _crosshairOffset