//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: GeometricPrimitive.h // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248929 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include // VS 2010 doesn't support explicit calling convention for std::function #ifndef DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1700) #define DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV #else #define DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV __cdecl #endif #endif // VS 2010/2012 do not support =default =delete #ifndef DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT {} #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE ; #else #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT =default; #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE =delete; #endif #endif namespace DirectX { #if (DIRECTX_MATH_VERSION < 305) && !defined(XM_CALLCONV) #define XM_CALLCONV __fastcall typedef const XMVECTOR& HXMVECTOR; typedef const XMMATRIX& FXMMATRIX; #endif class IEffect; class GeometricPrimitive { public: ~GeometricPrimitive(); // Factory methods. static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateCube (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateSphere (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float diameter = 1, size_t tessellation = 16, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateGeoSphere (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float diameter = 1, size_t tessellation = 3, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateCylinder (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float height = 1, float diameter = 1, size_t tessellation = 32, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateCone (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float diameter = 1, float height = 1, size_t tessellation = 32, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateTorus (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float diameter = 1, float thickness = 0.333f, size_t tessellation = 32, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateTetrahedron (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateOctahedron (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateDodecahedron (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateIcosahedron (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, bool rhcoords = true); static std::unique_ptr __cdecl CreateTeapot (_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, float size = 1, size_t tessellation = 8, bool rhcoords = true); // Draw the primitive. void XM_CALLCONV Draw(FXMMATRIX world, CXMMATRIX view, CXMMATRIX projection, FXMVECTOR color = Colors::White, _In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* texture = nullptr, bool wireframe = false, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomState = nullptr ); // Draw the primitive using a custom effect. void __cdecl Draw( _In_ IEffect* effect, _In_ ID3D11InputLayout* inputLayout, bool alpha = false, bool wireframe = false, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomState = nullptr ); // Create input layout for drawing with a custom effect. void __cdecl CreateInputLayout( _In_ IEffect* effect, _Outptr_ ID3D11InputLayout** inputLayout ); private: GeometricPrimitive(); // Private implementation. class Impl; std::unique_ptr pImpl; // Prevent copying. GeometricPrimitive(GeometricPrimitive const&) DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE GeometricPrimitive& operator= (GeometricPrimitive const&) DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE }; }