/* * Author: esteldunedain * Return a suitable position for the action point for the given target vehicle * * Arguments: * None (uses local variable _target) * * Return Value: * Children actions * * Example: * call ace_interaction_fnc_getVehiclePos * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" // IGNORE_PRIVATE_WARNING(_target); private _bb = boundingBoxReal _target; (_bb select 0) params ["_bbX", "_bbY", "_bbZ"]; private _cameraPosASL = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL); private _relPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLToAGL _cameraPosASL; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL _relPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLToAGL eyePos ACE_player; #endif _relPos params ["_dx", "_dy", "_dz"]; private _ndx = (abs _dx) / ((abs (_bbx)) - 1); private _ndy = (abs _dy) / ((abs (_bbY)) - 1); private _ndz = (abs _dz) / ((abs (_bbZ)) - 1); private "_pos"; if (_ndx > _ndy) then { if (_ndx > _ndz) then { // _ndx is greater, will colide with x plane first _pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndx) min 0.8); } else { // _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first _pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8); }; } else { if (_ndy > _ndz) then { // _ndy is greater, will colide with y plane first _pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndy) min 0.8); } else { // _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first _pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8); }; }; // Set max height at player's eye level (prevent very high interaction point on choppers) // Only when above water level to prevent underwater actions from following player eye level if (_cameraPosASL select 2 >= 0) then { _pos set [2, (_pos select 2) min _dz]; }; TRACE_4("",_bb,_bbX,_relPos,_pos,_cameraPosASL); _pos /////////////////// // The code belows works very well for cursor mode, but not at all in normal mode // maybe it could be enabled by default only for that mode /* if (cursorObject isEqualTo _target) exitWith { private _dest = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL) vectorAdd (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 50); private _origin = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL); //private _origin = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL) vectorAdd [0, 0, -0.35] vectorDiff (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 1.5); //private _dest = AGLtoASL (_target modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0]); private _results = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_origin, _dest, ACE_player, objNull, true, 5]; private _finalPos = [0,0,0]; { _x params ["_pos", "", "_obj"]; TRACE_3("",_forEachIndex,_obj,_target); if (_obj isEqualTo _target) exitWith { _finalPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLtoAGL (_pos vectorAdd (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 1.0)); }; } forEach _results; _finalPos }; [0,0,0] */ ///////////////////