/* Name: ACE_Respawn_fnc_handleRespawn Author(s): bux578 Description: Handles the XEH Respawn event Parameters: 0: OBJECT - Respawned Unit 1: ? Returns: VOID */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_respawnedUnit"]; _respawnedUnit = _this select 0; // Restores the gear when the player respawns if (GVAR(SavePreDeathGear)) then { [_respawnedUnit, GVAR(unitGear)] call FUNC(restoreGear); }; // fix for setVariable public being lost on respawn for machines that JIP after the command was broadcasted if (_respawnedUnit getVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", false]) then { _respawnedUnit setVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", true, true]; };