// execVM "z\ace\addons\interaction\dev\initReplaceTerrainCursorObject.sqf"; // use "J" key to replace terrain cursorObject and add dragging actions to it #include "..\script_component.hpp" DFUNC(replaceTerrainModelsAdd) = { params ["_model", ["_class", ""]]; if (_model isEqualType objNull) then { _model = getModelInfo _model select 1; }; if (_model isEqualTo "") exitWith {systemChat "fail model"; false}; private _savedClass = GVAR(replaceTerrainModels) get _model; if (!isNil "_savedClass") exitWith {systemChat ("was " + _savedClass); true}; private _parent = ""; if (_class isEqualTo "") then { private _configClasses = QUOTE(getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 && {!(configName _x isKindOf 'AllVehicles')}) configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"); { private _xmodel = toLowerANSI getText (_x >> "model"); if (_xmodel select [0, 1] == "\") then { _xmodel = _xmodel select [1]; }; if ((_xmodel select [count _xmodel - 4]) != ".p3d") then { _xmodel = _xmodel + ".p3d" }; if (_model == _xmodel) then { _class = configName _x; _parent = configName inheritsFrom _x; break; }; } forEach _configClasses; }; if (_class isEqualTo "") exitWith {systemChat "fail class"; false}; GVAR(replaceTerrainModels) set [_model, _class]; QEGVAR(interact_menu,renderNearbyActions) call CBA_fnc_localEvent; systemChat ("found " + _class); diag_log format ["replaceTerrain: class %1: %2", _class, _parent]; true }; // DIK_J [0x24, [false, false, false], { if ( cursorObject call FUNC(replaceTerrainModelsAdd) && {["ace_dragging"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)} ) then { // wait while server replaces object, then init dragging on all clients [{ private _object = cursorObject; if (isNull _object) exitwith {}; [_object, true, nil, nil, nil, true] call EFUNC(dragging,setCarryable); [_object, true, nil, nil, nil, true] call EFUNC(dragging,setDraggable); }, [], 1] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; }; true }, nil, nil, false] call CBA_fnc_addKeyHandler;