/// OpenGL Mathematics (glm.g-truc.net)
/// Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015 G-Truc Creation (www.g-truc.net)
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
/// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
/// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
/// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
/// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// Restrictions:
///        By making use of the Software for military purposes, you choose to make
///        a Bunny unhappy.
/// @ref gtx_simd_vec4
/// @file glm/gtx/simd_vec4.hpp
/// @date 2009-05-07 / 2011-06-07
/// @author Christophe Riccio
/// @see core (dependence)
/// @defgroup gtx_simd_vec4 GLM_GTX_simd_vec4
/// @ingroup gtx
/// @brief SIMD implementation of vec4 type.
/// <glm/gtx/simd_vec4.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.

#pragma once

// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"


#    include "../detail/intrinsic_common.hpp"
#    include "../detail/intrinsic_geometric.hpp"
#    include "../detail/intrinsic_integer.hpp"
#    error "GLM: GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 requires compiler support of SSE2 through intrinsics"

#if(defined(GLM_MESSAGES) && !defined(GLM_EXT_INCLUDED))
#    pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension included")

// Warning silencer for nameless struct/union.
#    pragma warning(push)
#    pragma warning(disable:4201)   // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union

namespace glm
    enum comp
        X = 0,
        R = 0,
        S = 0,
        Y = 1,
        G = 1,
        T = 1,
        Z = 2,
        B = 2,
        P = 2,
        W = 3,
        A = 3,
        Q = 3

}//namespace glm

namespace glm{
namespace detail
    /// 4-dimensional vector implemented using SIMD SEE intrinsics.
    /// \ingroup gtx_simd_vec4
        typedef __m128 value_type;
        typedef std::size_t size_type;
        static size_type value_size();

        typedef fvec4SIMD type;
        typedef tvec4<bool, highp> bool_type;

            __m128 Data;
            struct {float x, y, z, w;};
        __m128 Data;

        // Implicit basic constructors

        fvec4SIMD(__m128 const & Data);
        fvec4SIMD(fvec4SIMD const & v);

        // Explicit basic constructors

        explicit fvec4SIMD(
        explicit fvec4SIMD(
            float const & s);
        explicit fvec4SIMD(
            float const & x, 
            float const & y, 
            float const & z, 
            float const & w);
        explicit fvec4SIMD(
            vec4 const & v);

        //// Conversion vector constructors

        fvec4SIMD(vec2 const & v, float const & s1, float const & s2);
        fvec4SIMD(float const & s1, vec2 const & v, float const & s2);
        fvec4SIMD(float const & s1, float const & s2, vec2 const & v);
        fvec4SIMD(vec3 const & v, float const & s);
        fvec4SIMD(float const & s, vec3 const & v);
        fvec4SIMD(vec2 const & v1, vec2 const & v2);
        //fvec4SIMD(ivec4SIMD const & v);

        // Unary arithmetic operators

        fvec4SIMD& operator= (fvec4SIMD const & v);
        fvec4SIMD& operator+=(fvec4SIMD const & v);
        fvec4SIMD& operator-=(fvec4SIMD const & v);
        fvec4SIMD& operator*=(fvec4SIMD const & v);
        fvec4SIMD& operator/=(fvec4SIMD const & v);

        fvec4SIMD& operator+=(float const & s);
        fvec4SIMD& operator-=(float const & s);
        fvec4SIMD& operator*=(float const & s);
        fvec4SIMD& operator/=(float const & s);

        fvec4SIMD& operator++();
        fvec4SIMD& operator--();

        // Swizzle operators

        template <comp X, comp Y, comp Z, comp W>
        fvec4SIMD& swizzle();
        template <comp X, comp Y, comp Z, comp W>
        fvec4SIMD swizzle() const;
        template <comp X, comp Y, comp Z>
        fvec4SIMD swizzle() const;
        template <comp X, comp Y>
        fvec4SIMD swizzle() const;
        template <comp X>
        fvec4SIMD swizzle() const;
}//namespace detail

    typedef glm::detail::fvec4SIMD simdVec4;

    /// @addtogroup gtx_simd_vec4
    /// @{

    //! Convert a simdVec4 to a vec4.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    vec4 vec4_cast(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns x if x >= 0; otherwise, it returns -x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD abs(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns 1.0 if x > 0, 0.0 if x = 0, or -1.0 if x < 0.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD sign(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a value equal to the nearest integer that is less then or equal to x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD floor(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to x
    //! whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD trunc(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to x.
    //! The fraction 0.5 will round in a direction chosen by the
    //! implementation, presumably the direction that is fastest.
    //! This includes the possibility that round(x) returns the
    //! same value as roundEven(x) for all values of x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD round(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to x.
    //! A fractional part of 0.5 will round toward the nearest even
    //! integer. (Both 3.5 and 4.5 for x will return 4.0.) 
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //detail::fvec4SIMD roundEven(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a value equal to the nearest integer 
    //! that is greater than or equal to x. 
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD ceil(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Return x - floor(x).
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fract(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Modulus. Returns x - y * floor(x / y)
    //! for each component in x using the floating point value y.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD mod(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    //! Modulus. Returns x - y * floor(x / y)
    //! for each component in x using the floating point value y.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD mod(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        float const & y);

    //! Returns the fractional part of x and sets i to the integer
    //! part (as a whole number floating point value). Both the
    //! return value and the output parameter will have the same
    //! sign as x.
    //! (From GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension, common function)
    //detail::fvec4SIMD modf(
    //    detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
    //    detail::fvec4SIMD & i);

    //! Returns y if y < x; otherwise, it returns x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD min(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    detail::fvec4SIMD min(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        float const & y);

    //! Returns y if x < y; otherwise, it returns x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD max(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    detail::fvec4SIMD max(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        float const & y);

    //! Returns min(max(x, minVal), maxVal) for each component in x 
    //! using the floating-point values minVal and maxVal.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD clamp(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & minVal, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & maxVal); 

    detail::fvec4SIMD clamp(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        float const & minVal, 
        float const & maxVal); 

    //! \return If genTypeU is a floating scalar or vector: 
    //! Returns x * (1.0 - a) + y * a, i.e., the linear blend of 
    //! x and y using the floating-point value a. 
    //! The value for a is not restricted to the range [0, 1].
    //! \return If genTypeU is a boolean scalar or vector: 
    //! Selects which vector each returned component comes
    //! from. For a component of a that is false, the
    //! corresponding component of x is returned. For a
    //! component of a that is true, the corresponding
    //! component of y is returned. Components of x and y that
    //! are not selected are allowed to be invalid floating point
    //! values and will have no effect on the results. Thus, this
    //! provides different functionality than
    //! genType mix(genType x, genType y, genType(a))
    //! where a is a Boolean vector.
    //! From GLSL 1.30.08 specification, section 8.3
    //! \param[in]  x Floating point scalar or vector.
    //! \param[in]  y Floating point scalar or vector.
    //! \param[in]  a Floating point or boolean scalar or vector.
    /// \todo Test when 'a' is a boolean.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD mix(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & a);

    //! Returns 0.0 if x < edge, otherwise it returns 1.0.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD step(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & edge, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    detail::fvec4SIMD step(
        float const & edge, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns 0.0 if x <= edge0 and 1.0 if x >= edge1 and
    //! performs smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1
    //! when edge0 < x < edge1. This is useful in cases where
    //! you would want a threshold function with a smooth
    //! transition. This is equivalent to:
    //! genType t;
    //! t = clamp ((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0, 1);
    //! return t * t * (3 - 2 * t);
    //! Results are undefined if edge0 >= edge1.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD smoothstep(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & edge0, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & edge1, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    detail::fvec4SIMD smoothstep(
        float const & edge0, 
        float const & edge1, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns true if x holds a NaN (not a number)
    //! representation in the underlying implementation's set of
    //! floating point representations. Returns false otherwise,
    //! including for implementations with no NaN
    //! representations.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //bvec4 isnan(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns true if x holds a positive infinity or negative
    //! infinity representation in the underlying implementation's
    //! set of floating point representations. Returns false
    //! otherwise, including for implementations with no infinity
    //! representations.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //bvec4 isinf(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a signed or unsigned integer value representing
    //! the encoding of a floating-point value. The floatingpoint
    //! value's bit-level representation is preserved.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //detail::ivec4SIMD floatBitsToInt(detail::fvec4SIMD const & value);

    //! Returns a floating-point value corresponding to a signed
    //! or unsigned integer encoding of a floating-point value.
    //! If an inf or NaN is passed in, it will not signal, and the
    //! resulting floating point value is unspecified. Otherwise,
    //! the bit-level representation is preserved.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //detail::fvec4SIMD intBitsToFloat(detail::ivec4SIMD const & value);

    //! Computes and returns a * b + c.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fma(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & a, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & b, 
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & c);

    //! Splits x into a floating-point significand in the range
    //! [0.5, 1.0) and an integral exponent of two, such that:
    //! x = significand * exp(2, exponent)
    //! The significand is returned by the function and the
    //! exponent is returned in the parameter exp. For a
    //! floating-point value of zero, the significant and exponent
    //! are both zero. For a floating-point value that is an
    //! infinity or is not a number, the results are undefined.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //detail::fvec4SIMD frexp(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, detail::ivec4SIMD & exp);

    //! Builds a floating-point number from x and the
    //! corresponding integral exponent of two in exp, returning:
    //! significand * exp(2, exponent)
    //! If this product is too large to be represented in the
    //! floating-point type, the result is undefined.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    //detail::fvec4SIMD ldexp(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x, detail::ivec4SIMD const & exp);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    float length(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    //! Less accurate but much faster than simdLength.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    float fastLength(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    //! Slightly more accurate but much slower than simdLength.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    float niceLength(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD length4(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    //! Less accurate but much faster than simdLength4.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fastLength4(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the length of x, i.e., sqrt(x * x).
    //! Slightly more accurate but much slower than simdLength4.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD niceLength4(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the distance betwwen p0 and p1, i.e., length(p0 - p1).
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    float distance(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & p0,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & p1);

    //! Returns the distance betwwen p0 and p1, i.e., length(p0 - p1).
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD distance4(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & p0,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & p1);

    //! Returns the dot product of x and y, i.e., result = x * y.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    float simdDot(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    //! Returns the dot product of x and y, i.e., result = x * y.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD dot4(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    //! Returns the cross product of x and y.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD cross(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & y);

    //! Returns a vector in the same direction as x but with length of 1.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD normalize(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns a vector in the same direction as x but with length of 1.
    //! Less accurate but much faster than simdNormalize.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fastNormalize(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! If dot(Nref, I) < 0.0, return N, otherwise, return -N.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD simdFaceforward(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & N,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & I,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & Nref);

    //! For the incident vector I and surface orientation N,
    //! returns the reflection direction : result = I - 2.0 * dot(N, I) * N.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD reflect(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & I,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & N);

    //! For the incident vector I and surface normal N,
    //! and the ratio of indices of refraction eta,
    //! return the refraction vector.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD refract(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & I,
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & N,
        float const & eta);

    //! Returns the positive square root of x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD sqrt(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the positive square root of x with the nicest quality but very slow.
    //! Slightly more accurate but much slower than simdSqrt.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD niceSqrt(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the positive square root of x
    //! Less accurate but much faster than sqrt.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fastSqrt(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the reciprocal of the positive square root of x.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD inversesqrt(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    //! Returns the reciprocal of the positive square root of x.
    //! Faster than inversesqrt but less accurate.
    /// @see gtx_simd_vec4
    detail::fvec4SIMD fastInversesqrt(
        detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);

    /// @}
}//namespace glm

#include "simd_vec4.inl"

#    pragma warning(pop)