#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Ruthberg * * Reads the weapon class config and updates the config cache * * Arguments: * weapon - classname * * Return Value: * 0: _barrelTwist * 1: _twistDirection * 2: _barrelLength * * Example: * ["weapon"] call ace_advanced_ballistics_fnc_readWeaponDataFromConfig * * Public: No */ private _weaponConfig = (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _this); private _barrelTwist = 0 max getNumber(_weaponConfig >> "ACE_barrelTwist"); private _twistDirection = [0, 1] select (_barrelTwist != 0); if (isNumber (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_twistDirection")) then { _twistDirection = getNumber (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_twistDirection"); if !(_twistDirection in [-1, 0, 1]) then { _twistDirection = 1; }; }; private _barrelLength = 0 max getNumber(_weaponConfig >> "ACE_barrelLength"); private _result = [_barrelTwist, _twistDirection, _barrelLength]; uiNamespace setVariable [format[QGVAR(%1), _this], _result]; _result