layout: wiki
title: ACE3 and ACEX
description: Overview of what ACE3 and ACEX mods are.
group: user
order: 0
parent: wiki

## 1. ACE3

**ACE3** is a joint effort by the teams behind **ACE2**, **AGM** and **CSE** to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3.

It provides many [features](../feature) which enhance realism gameplay, and provides [frameworks](../framework) which mission makers, modders and scripters can use to enhance their own missions and mods.

## 2. ACEX

**ACEX** is an optional package of mods that compliments the ACE3 modification.

ACEX [features](../featurex) enhance gameplay, but may focus on functionality over realism. It also provides [frameworks](../frameworkx) which do not fit into the scope of ACE3 but may be useful to mission makers, modders and scripters.