/* * Author: BaerMitUmlaut * Makes the unit heal itself. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" // Player will have to do this manually of course if (isPlayer _this) exitWith {}; // Can't heal self when unconscious if (_this getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false]) exitWith {}; // Check if we're still treating if ((_this getVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime]) > CBA_missionTime) exitWith {}; private _needsBandaging = ([_this] call EFUNC(medical,getBloodLoss)) > 0; private _needsMorphine = (_this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,pain), 0]) > 0.2; switch (true) do { case _needsBandaging: { // Select first wound and bandage it private _openWounds = _this getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]; private _partIndex = { _x params ["", "", "_index", "_amount", "_percentage"]; if (_amount * _percentage > 0) exitWith { _index }; } forEach _openWounds; private _selection = ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"] select _partIndex; [_this, "Bandage", _selection] call EFUNC(medical,treatmentAdvanced_bandageLocal); #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL systemChat format ["%1 is bandaging selection %2", _this, _selection]; #endif // Play animation [_this, true, true] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim); _this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 5]; }; case _needsMorphine: { [_this] call EFUNC(medical,treatmentBasic_morphineLocal); [_this, false, true] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim); _this setVariable [QGVAR(treatmentOverAt), CBA_missionTime + 2]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL systemChat format ["%1 is giving himself morphine", _this]; #endif }; };